
7 New Technology Trends for Digital Marketers

Given the growing popularity of digital marketing, it is clear that technology and marketing are intricately linked. These technological changes will change how you approach your marketing campaigns.
Given the growing popularity of digital marketing, it is clear that technology and marketing are intricately linked. These technological changes will change how you approach your marketing campaigns.

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In terms of technology, 2020 was a year of revolutionary adoption. The COVID-19 pandemic prompted marketers to test technology they never would have explored before, such chatbots and video conferencing systems.

It is too soon to say how many of these technologies will continue to dominate marketing when the world reopens in 2021. We are unsure if these will prove to be enduring aspects of a new norm or transient changes to life on lockdown.

Nobody can accurately predict what the state of marketing will be in the future. However, professionals can share their insights and predictions about some of the chances that might be available in the upcoming years.

It is essential to monitor statistics, analyses, and data patterns in order to recognise them. Make sure, though, that your marketing strategy leaves plenty of flexibility for adaptation and modification.

So let’s start.

People nonetheless remain the main drivers of the economy, despite the epidemic having altered how people conduct themselves and interact with businesses. Businesses will also need to digitise their processes more rigorously in order to function in the current environment.

Location Independence: COVID-19 has changed how businesses, their clients, and their staff physically interact. The definition of location will need to undergo a digital transition in order to support this new type of organisation.

Delivering with resilience: Whether it’s a pandemic or a recession, the future is uncertain. Businesses need to be ready to change course and accommodate various disturbances.

In light of these aspects, we have selected a few recent technological developments that are most likely to have an influence on marketers in 2021 and beyond.

Biggest technology trends to watch out for.

1. Internet of Behaviors (I0B)

You must be acquainted with IoT, sometimes known as the “Internet of Things,” which is a system of networked objects that collects and exchanges data online. Similar to IoT, the Internet of Behavior (IoB) blends behavioural science, data analytics, and IoT.

IoB tries to understand why people do things like purchase a product, follow their favourite brand on social media, or wash their hands at work. 

2. Automation based on AI

Will robots become more prevalent starting in 2021? Possibly (but preferably not in the vein of science fiction end-of-the-world movies!)

We have already witnessed significant advancements in AI over the past few years, as well as a sharp increase in the number of businesses embracing automation driven by AI to support their marketing initiatives. 

One of the key technologies powering voice search and smart assistants is AI. Additionally, the use of chatbots is growing and appearing on more websites.

AI and automation are removing some of the tedious tasks associated with marketing so that businesses can concentrate on plans that improve the client experience.

Big data can help marketers better understand their customers with the help of predictive analytics, which will ultimately result in increased customer acquisition. Recently, it has made it possible to hyperpersonalize and scale marketing messages.

Keep in mind that marketing’s human component is still crucial. Therefore, the objective is to increase marketing efforts rather than to take the place of the people who are actually responsible for them.

3. Live Videos

By 2027, it is anticipated that the live video streaming business would be worth 184.3 billion. People appreciate live streaming because they can view actual footage, watch behind-the-scenes films, and interact live with industry professionals.

The technology is helpful for business since it increases consumer awareness of and interest in their brands. Live videos are already being invested in by several businesses. Many other companies fund live product demonstrations from social media influencers while some organise live Q&A sessions.

In spite of this, live content viewing time increased by 250 percent globally in 2020.

4. Localized marketing

The usage of geolocation data in marketing is expanding alongside the proliferation of IoT devices and the significant increase in demand for individualised customer service.

The idea of local marketing for businesses is not new. Every worldwide brand, no matter how big or little, recognises the importance of localising their marketing messages. 

In addition, search engines like Google have been quite effective at connecting customers with nearby companies, whether they are looking for a coffee shop or a new pair of shoes. 

At the moment, 8 out of 10 marketers use location data in their marketing and advertising initiatives, or more than 84 percent. 94% anticipate doing so in the future.

Since everyone now owns a smartphone, advertisers may send messages to potential customers as they are just a few metres from their store. 

Geolocation and IoT technology can be combined to create sophisticated and targeted marketing campaigns. For instance, a consumer could be reminded that they are low on milk as they pass the grocery shop.

5. Buying Sensibly

We refer to automated smart bidding techniques seen in Google Ads when we use the term “smart bidding.” 

Recently, automation has been a hot topic in the world of digital marketing. While running a Google Advertising campaign, marketers spend a lot of time and money optimising keywords and bids.

The idea of automatic bidding on Google Ads eliminates any conjecture and guessing and makes it easier for advertisers to achieve their objectives. To increase efficiency and enhance campaign success, Google analyses all the data and modifies the bids accordingly.

6. Data Analytics

The majority of brands view data analytics as a requirement, and marketers still have a lot to eat.

It is past time for marketers to learn how to make use of the customer data that has been gathered. Businesses are constantly loaded with personal information on their clients, including information about their purchasing patterns, the products they prefer, and the best ways to contact them.

What do consumers anticipate in return? a few targeted bargains and advertisements.

Therefore, marketers need to do more than merely gather data. Companies must use this data to improve their marketing efforts, and the data must be useful.

The day is saved by data analytics. They give marketers enough data to make it simpler to tailor customer encounters.

7. Voice Search

Technology seems to advance every year, and speech recognition is no exception. Today, voice search boasts an accuracy rating of 95%, which is on par with most people. 

It makes sense considering that each day, thousands of new voice command systems are marketed worldwide. If you aren’t focusing on voice search as digital marketers, you are losing out on a sizable portion of your audience.

Also keep in mind that while using voice search, users rarely utilise short phrases; instead, they use complete sentences. Generally, they speak as they normally do.

If you work in the food industry and people are searching for “how to bake a cake with a microwave,” you should optimise your content based on comparable answers. Your holy grail in 2021 will be long-tail and question-and-answer-based keywords.


Planning your 2021 marketing strategy with the aforementioned technologies in mind should begin right away. Concentrate your efforts on marketing that is customer-centered. After all, this has been the current fashion for a while and won’t go out of style very soon.

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A Digital Junkie, Brand Consultant & Solutions Architect, by Day. Techno / Psy Evangelist. by Night Traveller Nomad Driver & Explorer For Eternity

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