Digital Technology

How to leverage technology to improve digital marketing

If there is one type of technology that businesses are increasingly interested in, it might be devices and services for discovering, attracting, and retaining new consumers. There are numerous of them in the industry, ranging from CRMs to SEO enhancers. It may be useful to expand your IT toolset with fresh approaches to promote your products. However, sometimes all you have to do is create proper use of the tools you currently have.

Sometimes the key to harnessing technology to build your client base isn’t coming up with new methods to attract them—putting oneself in their shoes and then meeting them where they currently are.

These are the 5 ways to leverage technology to improve digital marketing-


Most modern businesses are continuously acquiring massive amounts of customer data, however, if you can’t organize and extract relevant insights from it, it’s a waste of time. You may analyze your site traffic to determine which material is most frequently accessed, loved, and distributed, as well as which content needs improvement. You can optimize your advertisement performance and take charge of your brand image if you have a complete understanding of how your advertisements are doing on the numerous websites that host them.

There are several technological solutions available to help you automate this process and make better data-driven judgments. Brick-and-mortar firms, for example, may employ location-analytics technology to identify suitable future store sites by compiling demographic and traffic-pattern data.


Email marketing is a straightforward marketing method via which firms may share new goods, promotions, and updates with their contact list. Because of its high ROI, it is critical to most firms’ entire inbound strategy. Current email marketing has shifted away from mass mailings and toward permission, segmentation, and customization.

Personalized email marketing is an underappreciated technique for businesses to use technology to attract new clients. Email marketing still is effective, especially when specific characteristics such as locality and interests are included. Optimize the marketing funnel to assist potential consumers in not just understanding but also making a seamless purchase.


Augmented reality (AR) is a technologically augmented representation of the real physical environment that is created by the use of digital visual components, music, or other sensory stimulation. It is a developing trend among organizations active in mobile computing and, in particular, commercial apps.

It’s an excellent approach to engage and create a “wow” effect. It may be used for everything from showing consumers how new furniture will appear in their very own homes to inserting visuals that activate an AR app for a presentation or exhibition. There are several methods to employ augmented reality technology to get folks talking about your service or product.


The process of migrating data, apps, or other business pieces to the cloud computing platform is known as cloud migration. A company can execute many sorts of cloud migrations. Transferring data and apps from the local on-premises data center to the public cloud is a popular model.

Employees may use mobile, web, or desktop-based apps from anywhere at any time by transferring them to the cloud. They only require an internet connection. Moving to the cloud not just improves collaboration and provides easier access to important business applications, but it also enables firms to simply and rapidly scale up or down if their logistical or data-storage requirements change.


 Employees must interact and collaborate in order to be effective and successful. Technology has made it easier for people to do so than ever before. Employees in various places may connect in real-time, share ideas, and discuss solutions to issues through video conferencing. This technology enables your team to collaborate at any time and from any location in the world. It also allows for real-time updates and enhancements, enhancing efficiency, and transparency, and lowering costs.


Technology is a vital component of any firm in the twenty-first century; even digital-marketing professionals use technology to be the best they can be. Technology may help you increase your internet presence, establish client loyalty, and improve your digital efficiency. In reality, IT no more just serves business operations as it has in the past, but is now actively engaged in corporate value delivery.

While technology provides an overwhelming amount of possibilities, the secret to winning is deploying the correct business tech solutions for your specific needs.

Look for technologies that will enable your team to provide better, quicker customer service and higher-quality items if you want to enhance client retention. While investing heavily in the latest and best client acquisition tools will surely benefit your company in other aspects, it will not shift the needle whenever it comes to loyalty.

Digital Technology

How technology trends will change digital marketing in 2022

Due to the speed at which technology is developing, devices, professions, and even social media platforms did not exist ten to fifteen years ago. In what ways does that impact digital marketing? Companies need to be flexible and ready for change in order to keep up with the newest technological advances.

Any digital marketing campaign will need to make use of the

Voice search capabilities that have recently become more prevalent on

  1. Apple,
  2. Amazon, and 
  3. Google devices.

More than 25% of Americans use a voice-activated speaker to place orders, search for information, or change a lightbulb. This can be used by digital marketers to streamline the ordering process and set up websites for voice-activated searches.

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), particularly in e-commerce, are more significant technological advances.

Shopping is now more immersive thanks to AR and VR services that allow you to view an item in a room before purchasing it. The use of images in visual searches is another trend that is growing in popularity. People may soon be able to upload a photo to receive search results rather than inputting keywords into a search engine.

Social media will have a huge impact on how digital marketing is done.

A post on social media may serve as the basis for a purchase. When a person clicks on the post, the item’s price is displayed, and they proceed to make their purchase on another website. Utilizing apps like:

  • Facebook 
  • Messenger, 
  • WeChat 
  • WhatsApp

A customer and a business can “meet” and discuss a product or service.

  1. Snapchat, 
  2. Instagram,
  3. Facebook 

These three are social media stories that combine businesses with a younger population. Other developments in digital marketing are geared toward improving the consumer appeal of advertisements.

Companies will need to adopt a more innovative strategy if they want to avoid using generic marketing directed at a broad audience. Consumers are more likely to remember interactive content that engages them and is therefore more likely to be used.

This takes the shape of tests and unique content that may be shared.

A special quiz that people can share with their friends and family.

Doing so can only boost the company’s awareness. Additionally, personalising marketing strategies would be beneficial to increase the appeal of the commodity or service. Making email blasts that specifically target particular demographics will be a better investment than doing so in general.

Digital Technology

How Technology Will Influence Digital Marketing

Across industries, technology is influencing how firms run. In the context of digital marketing, marketers work diligently to stay up with the newest technological advances so that they may be tailored to the distinct voice and demands of particular companies. The simple fact is that technological improvements have a significant influence on digital marketing.

In 2013, 47 percent of US marketers emphasize creativity as a driving force in their marketing approach. Last year, that figure was 29%. In 2022, innovation and technology will serve equal roles in defining where and how marketers communicate with their customers, according to 56% of marketers. 

From web technology and online collaboration to artificial intelligence and company data analytics, modern tech has had and continues to have a significant influence on business marketing. To begin, more gadgets are linked to the internet than ever before.

You could check your email on your computer, surf through Instagram on the mobile, and binge-watch Netflix via your smart Television all on the same day. The Internet of Things technology has led to a huge network of smart devices, which means unprecedented prospects for new lines of company and income growth.

The manner digital marketers structure their budgets is being influenced by technology whereas conventional marketing efforts entailed paying money on television commercials or newspapers, digital marketers are making use of technologies like Google Analytics. They’re also putting money into SEO. Your website’s rating may be improved with good SEO. You’ll be able to identify certain keywords and drive targeted traffic to your website.

According to BusinessTown, over half of mobile searches lead to a purchase. Emerging AI technology has the potential to increase Google conversion rates even more. Your company’s website is an important tool for generating prospects and growing.

To gain the rewards, you must first place your website on the top page of search engine results. Moreover, your website has to be mobile-friendly so that people purchasing on their cellphones may easily traverse it.

3 Tech Trends That Will Influence Your Marketing

  1. Data Analytics –

Marketers must learn to make better use of the data they acquire. Customers continually provide personal details to the businesses with which they interact, ranging from purchasing habits to preferred items to the best methods to contact them via advertising and marketing activities. Customers are seeking a return on their data, whether it is in the form of more tailored marketing or targeted coupons/deals.

Marketers must do more than just collect data. Data must be meaningful, and firms must utilize it to better marketing strategies.

Predictive data, smarter, scalable, and more flexible datasets, edge computing for quicker analysis, and hybrid computing that combines off-premises and on-premises cloud solutions will be key trends in 2022. Machine learning-driven solutions, such as augmented analytics, engineering decision analytics, and data visualization, will also find an increased use for better decision-making, company management, insights, and automation.

  1. Social Media Marketing

Social media will be critical to successful businesses’ digital marketing initiatives. Expect video, Instagram, live streaming, and podcasts to dominate the list in 2022. Facebook will be here for a long time. LinkedIn will also become more powerful, especially as influencers utilize it to amplify their voices. When it comes to influencers, 2022 is the year of specialists with fewer but more devoted followers. What counts is the niche, and those who can control an empty ocean with little to no rivalry will lead the charge.

  1. Chatbots and conversational AI

Almost 42% of consumers make purchases using conversational AI and chatbots. Despite this, the majority of small company owners polled indicated they did not use technology. Chatbots and increasingly complex cognitive AI can answer basic client queries at any time of day or night, regardless if you’re busy with other work.

AI-powered chatbots may be utilized for customer service, drastically increasing contact strategy with a regulated message. Many customers don’t notice the difference, but these chatbots have the extra privilege of being able to collect, analyze, and deliver relevant data that can be utilized to enhance the customer experience.

Digital Technology

7 New Technology Trends for Digital Marketers

In terms of technology, 2020 was a year of revolutionary adoption. The COVID-19 pandemic prompted marketers to test technology they never would have explored before, such chatbots and video conferencing systems.

It is too soon to say how many of these technologies will continue to dominate marketing when the world reopens in 2021. We are unsure if these will prove to be enduring aspects of a new norm or transient changes to life on lockdown.

Nobody can accurately predict what the state of marketing will be in the future. However, professionals can share their insights and predictions about some of the chances that might be available in the upcoming years.

It is essential to monitor statistics, analyses, and data patterns in order to recognise them. Make sure, though, that your marketing strategy leaves plenty of flexibility for adaptation and modification.

So let’s start.

People nonetheless remain the main drivers of the economy, despite the epidemic having altered how people conduct themselves and interact with businesses. Businesses will also need to digitise their processes more rigorously in order to function in the current environment.

Location Independence: COVID-19 has changed how businesses, their clients, and their staff physically interact. The definition of location will need to undergo a digital transition in order to support this new type of organisation.

Delivering with resilience: Whether it’s a pandemic or a recession, the future is uncertain. Businesses need to be ready to change course and accommodate various disturbances.

In light of these aspects, we have selected a few recent technological developments that are most likely to have an influence on marketers in 2021 and beyond.

Biggest technology trends to watch out for.

1. Internet of Behaviors (I0B)

You must be acquainted with IoT, sometimes known as the “Internet of Things,” which is a system of networked objects that collects and exchanges data online. Similar to IoT, the Internet of Behavior (IoB) blends behavioural science, data analytics, and IoT.

IoB tries to understand why people do things like purchase a product, follow their favourite brand on social media, or wash their hands at work. 

2. Automation based on AI

Will robots become more prevalent starting in 2021? Possibly (but preferably not in the vein of science fiction end-of-the-world movies!)

We have already witnessed significant advancements in AI over the past few years, as well as a sharp increase in the number of businesses embracing automation driven by AI to support their marketing initiatives. 

One of the key technologies powering voice search and smart assistants is AI. Additionally, the use of chatbots is growing and appearing on more websites.

AI and automation are removing some of the tedious tasks associated with marketing so that businesses can concentrate on plans that improve the client experience.

Big data can help marketers better understand their customers with the help of predictive analytics, which will ultimately result in increased customer acquisition. Recently, it has made it possible to hyperpersonalize and scale marketing messages.

Keep in mind that marketing’s human component is still crucial. Therefore, the objective is to increase marketing efforts rather than to take the place of the people who are actually responsible for them.

3. Live Videos

By 2027, it is anticipated that the live video streaming business would be worth 184.3 billion. People appreciate live streaming because they can view actual footage, watch behind-the-scenes films, and interact live with industry professionals.

The technology is helpful for business since it increases consumer awareness of and interest in their brands. Live videos are already being invested in by several businesses. Many other companies fund live product demonstrations from social media influencers while some organise live Q&A sessions.

In spite of this, live content viewing time increased by 250 percent globally in 2020.

4. Localized marketing

The usage of geolocation data in marketing is expanding alongside the proliferation of IoT devices and the significant increase in demand for individualised customer service.

The idea of local marketing for businesses is not new. Every worldwide brand, no matter how big or little, recognises the importance of localising their marketing messages. 

In addition, search engines like Google have been quite effective at connecting customers with nearby companies, whether they are looking for a coffee shop or a new pair of shoes. 

At the moment, 8 out of 10 marketers use location data in their marketing and advertising initiatives, or more than 84 percent. 94% anticipate doing so in the future.

Since everyone now owns a smartphone, advertisers may send messages to potential customers as they are just a few metres from their store. 

Geolocation and IoT technology can be combined to create sophisticated and targeted marketing campaigns. For instance, a consumer could be reminded that they are low on milk as they pass the grocery shop.

5. Buying Sensibly

We refer to automated smart bidding techniques seen in Google Ads when we use the term “smart bidding.” 

Recently, automation has been a hot topic in the world of digital marketing. While running a Google Advertising campaign, marketers spend a lot of time and money optimising keywords and bids.

The idea of automatic bidding on Google Ads eliminates any conjecture and guessing and makes it easier for advertisers to achieve their objectives. To increase efficiency and enhance campaign success, Google analyses all the data and modifies the bids accordingly.

6. Data Analytics

The majority of brands view data analytics as a requirement, and marketers still have a lot to eat.

It is past time for marketers to learn how to make use of the customer data that has been gathered. Businesses are constantly loaded with personal information on their clients, including information about their purchasing patterns, the products they prefer, and the best ways to contact them.

What do consumers anticipate in return? a few targeted bargains and advertisements.

Therefore, marketers need to do more than merely gather data. Companies must use this data to improve their marketing efforts, and the data must be useful.

The day is saved by data analytics. They give marketers enough data to make it simpler to tailor customer encounters.

7. Voice Search

Technology seems to advance every year, and speech recognition is no exception. Today, voice search boasts an accuracy rating of 95%, which is on par with most people. 

It makes sense considering that each day, thousands of new voice command systems are marketed worldwide. If you aren’t focusing on voice search as digital marketers, you are losing out on a sizable portion of your audience.

Also keep in mind that while using voice search, users rarely utilise short phrases; instead, they use complete sentences. Generally, they speak as they normally do.

If you work in the food industry and people are searching for “how to bake a cake with a microwave,” you should optimise your content based on comparable answers. Your holy grail in 2021 will be long-tail and question-and-answer-based keywords.


Planning your 2021 marketing strategy with the aforementioned technologies in mind should begin right away. Concentrate your efforts on marketing that is customer-centered. After all, this has been the current fashion for a while and won’t go out of style very soon.

Digital Technology

What is Marketing Technology and MarTech?

Marketing technology is a collection of software solutions that marketing executives employ to achieve mission-critical business goals and generate innovation inside their firms. Content and customer satisfaction, advertising, lead generation, marketing management, and promotional data and statistics are all areas where Martech solutions may help.

What are the benefits of using marketing technology?

Marketing technology boosts corporate efficiency and performance.

Increases in the latter can be due to two separate drivers: first, automation of time-consuming marketing duties reduces the number of man-hours required for marketing plan implementation, allowing you to accomplish more with fewer resources. Second, marketing technology may give you useful information about the ROI of company marketing initiatives. Once you’ve determined ROI, you can balance a load of various activities to maximize cost per acquisition.

Many organizations are engaging in marketing technologies due to increased competition. As leading companies realize the benefits of implementing MarTech solutions, others dread falling behind and see investing as an opportunity.

This has resulted in an increase in the acceptance and adoption of MarTech platforms, notably systems that provide automation for marketing and data analysis, among many other advantages.

There is also a growing desire among organizations to upgrade existing old systems and implement MarTech platforms that can be used by corporations, rather than the marketing department being segregated and missing out on critical information that may be used in their campaigns.

Offering a personalised approach

The capacity of enterprises to give a more tailored approach than they could previously is fundamental to the use of this data.

The more data you collect, the more knowledge you have to target your advertisements to precise, segmented audiences across all of your platforms.

The better you understand your customers and tailor your campaigns to them, the further effective they will be and the further leads you will convert.

When putting together a marketing technology platform, it’s critical to understand which technologies are basic and should be installed first. These technologies should be considered necessary by all B2C and B2B marketers:


A content management system (CMS) is an application that is used to manage content, allowing multiple contributors to create, edit and publish. Content in a CMS is typically stored in a database and displayed in a presentation layer based on a set of templates like a website.

What Makes up a Content Management System?

On a more technical level, a content management system is made up of two core parts:

  • A content management application (CMA) – this is the part that allows you to actually add and manage content on your site (like you saw above).
  • A content delivery application (CDA) – this is the backend, behind-the-scenes process that takes the content you input in the CMA, stores it properly, and makes it visible to your visitors.

Benefits of a content management system

The advantages of a content management platform. The collaborative nature of a CMS is a significant advantage. Many people can log in and edit, schedule, or control published material. A CMS can be accessible from everywhere by any number of users because the interface is usually browser-based.

  1. EMAIL –

Email marketing is the use of email to advertise a company’s products and services while simultaneously rewarding client loyalty. Email marketing is a type of marketing in which you can inform clients on an email list about new products, promotions, and other services. This can be a soft sell to teach your customers about the worth of your brand or to keep them engaged in the interim. Mailchimp can assist you with designing, building, and optimizing email marketing to maximize the ROI of your marketing program.

Email is one of the finest venues for reaching a specific audience because it is not affected by algorithm updates or what is hot. Consider the following: According to a recent survey, over half of US respondents check their email over ten times every day. An email is an efficient tool for businesses to communicate with their clients.

Advantages of email marketing

Email marketing may help you create relationships with your customers while driving blog traffic, social networks, or anywhere you want them to go. You can also divide your emails and attract the audience based on demographics to ensure that you only send individuals the messages they want to see.


Social media operations may be enhanced in a variety of ways by utilizing technology. For example, if you manage many Twitter accounts, TweetDeck consolidates all of your Twitter accounts into a single, easy-to-manage dashboard.

Alternatively, if you find that looking for and resizing photographs for various social media accounts takes too much effort, Bynder derivatives automatically resize your images for each platform, making publishing images across several social media platforms simple.

Advantages of Social media 

Because it allows for sharing, social media may also help you establish your brand. On these sites, you may re-pin, share, retweet, and material. This implies that followers may share your material with their family and friends, exposing your business to a larger audience. It’s a wonderful technique to get fresh leads.

  1. Customer relationship management (CRM) – 

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a method for managing all of your firm’s relationships and interactions with present and potential customers. The goal is simple: to strengthen commercial ties. A CRM system helps organisations stay connected to their consumers while also reducing procedures and enhancing profitability.

When people speak about CRM, they usually mean a CRM system, which is a tool that aids in sales management, contact management,  productivity, and other areas.

A CRM solution allows you to focus on your organization’s partnerships with specific individuals — such as customers, service users, coworkers, or suppliers — throughout the lifecycle of the relationship, including customer acquisition, winning one‘s business, and offering assistance and additional services.

Here’s why CRM matters to your business.

A CRM system could provide you with a comprehensive perspective of your clients. Everything is in one place – a simple, customizable dashboard that displays a client’s prior history with you, the progress of their orders, any exceptional customer support issues, and more.

Marketers can utilize a CRM solution to have a better understanding of the sales or prospect funnel, making forecasting easier and more accurate. Every chance or lead will be clearly visible to you, displaying a clear route from inquiry to sales.


What you don’t measure, you can’t improve. Understanding the performance of your website as well as other digital assets is critical for marketing teams these days.

Google Analytics is the most famous and comprehensive analytics application for your website, and it’s free. Google Analytics delivers the most comprehensive statistics on website performance, able to monitor everything from the number of website visits to the average length of time spent on every page of the website. These insights are extremely helpful to marketing teams since they allow them to optimize marketing efforts using real-time data.

Google Analytics is completely free and simple to use. There’s really no reason not to have a basic understanding of how your website works.

The importance of Digital Analytics in marketing

Digital analytics gives a strong foundation of real facts on which to build your marketing framework. Without it, you’re constructing uncharted territory. Digital marketing analyses real data to determine what’s working and what isn’t in the context of company goals, and creates strategies to exploit the good and improve the not-so-good so you may expand as rapidly and effectively as your business objectives require.

Biggest MarTech Challenges –

  1. Marketers may get complacent due to factors such as prior success or reluctance to risk. According to a survey conducted in the United States, just 25% of marketers utilized AI and prediction marketing in their efforts. Many industry experts in the Asia Pacific consider complacency among marketers’ most significant challenges.
  2. According to one report, more than half of marketers believe redundancy is one of the most significant impediments to developing their MarTech stack. With over 7,000 MarTech solutions currently on the market and new services that it offers being released daily, redundancy in the MarTech stack is unavoidable.
  3. Human capital is the single most significant barrier that brands confront when it comes to MarTech. The proper people with experience, knowledge, and ability to help develop a final MarTech stack are hard to come by, but the demand for this type of tech-savvy marketer has never been greater. Companies are relying on technology to drive campaign effectiveness more than ever before, but without the appropriate people to apply those technologies, the true capacity of their expenditures may never be realized.
Digital Technology

10 Tech Trends That Will Influence Your Marketing

The year 2022 will see more changes in the field of digital marketing. The following ten trends can be used.

Digital marketing has significantly impacted the world of small businesses, and technological advancements influence the techniques that will work best for connecting with your target market.

The important trends to watch in 2022 are producing more original content, offering chatbot services, optimising for voice search, maximising social media marketing, and developing an engaging user experience.

Depending on your industry and business, you’ll need to carefully consider which trends will benefit you the most and which ones you should steer clear of.

Each year, there are new technical trends that business owners should be aware of. Business owners that remain on top of trends may even achieve new marketing heights. Here are 10 trends that, in our opinion, small enterprises should seize in 2022:

  1. Authentic long-form content

Authentic content is a potent marketing strategy for small enterprises with limited resources. You should also make it long-form, though. While TikTok and Instagram’s three- to five-minute reels dominated the year 2021, the trend is starting to turn around in 2022 with 1,000–7,500 word articles becoming the standard.

This holds true for blog entries, articles, videos, and audio content. A fantastic strategy to increase brand awareness and client loyalty is to share information on subjects that your audience finds interesting. By demonstrating that you care about more than merely a transaction, you can earn someone’s trust.

Whether your material is published as a blog post, an email newsletter, or a social media post, make sure to strike a balance between advertising your items and offering insightful, useful guidance.

  1. Conversational AI and chatbots

Nearly 42% of consumers utilise conversational AI and chatbots for purchases, according to revenue acceleration platform Drift’s State of Conversational Marketing research.  But according to a poll of small business owners, majority of them, technology wasn’t used. Even if you’re focused on other activities, chatbots and more advanced conversational AI may answer simple queries from clients whenever they ask them.

According to Joey Penick, vice president of marketing at Lumen Technologies, “AI-powered chatbots can be utilised for customer assistance, expanding contact strategy considerably with a regulated message.” The ability to collect, analyse, and deliver actionable data that can be utilised to improve the customer experience is an additional benefit of these chatbots, which have gotten so lifelike that many customers can’t tell the difference.

  1. Voice lookup

Voice search is one area where your small business may differentiate itself from the competition as mobile devices and voice services like Microsoft Cortana and Google Assistant gain in popularity. In 2022 and beyond, there is a higher likelihood that customers who conduct business online may discover your website or content marketing materials through voice search.

As the use of mobile devices increased, we had to react a few years ago, according to Chris Hornak, owner of Blog Hands. “And now, over 50% [of searches] are conducted on mobile devices, according to Google. Voice searches, which already account for 20% of mobile searches and are predicted to expand at a comparable rate to mobile, will require marketers to start reacting.

According to Hornak, a straightforward strategy you may use in 2022 is to answer queries buyers regularly ask about your product on your website. Keep in mind to be conversational and informative in your responses.

  1. Data mining

According to Curtis Tingle, senior vice president of product for intelligent media delivery startup Valassis, the majority of brands prioritise data analytics, but marketers still have a ways to go.

He remarked, “Marketers must learn how to use the data they collect more effectively.” Customers regularly provide personal information to the businesses they interact with, including information about their purchasing habits, favourite items, and the most effective ways to contact them through advertising and marketing initiatives. Customers who submit their data want something in return, whether it be more individualised advertising or specifically tailored coupons and promotions.

Tingle made a crucial observation: Marketers must go beyond data collection. Businesses must use the data to develop marketing strategies, and the data must have value.

Predictive data, smarter, scalable, and more adaptable datasets, edge computing for speedier analysis, and hybrid computing, which combines off-premises and on-premises cloud solutions, are the key trends for 2022. For enhanced decision-making, business management, insights, and automation, you’ll also see an increasing use of machine learning-driven solutions, such as augmented analytics, engineering decision analytics, and data visualisation.

  1. Social media promotion

Social media will keep playing a crucial role in successful businesses’ digital marketing initiatives. Expect video, Instagram, livestreaming, and podcasts to rule the list in 2022. Facebook has staying power; it is not going anywhere. LinkedIn will also gain more clout as influencers use it to amp up their voices, in particular.

Speaking of influencers, 2022 will usher in the era of subject matter experts with smaller but more devoted fan bases. What matters is the niche, and those who rule the barren expanse of little to no competition will set the pace.

  1. New e-commerce sectors

The centre of e-commerce trends is Web3, where companies leverage DeFi trends to elevate their profiles. Decentralized finance, or “DeFi,” refers to blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), a brand-new realm of commerce performed through the blockchain with cutting-edge marketing prospects.

Technologies like the shared P2P ledger, for example, provide faster, less expensive, more secure, and transparent commercial transactions. Smart contracts on the blockchain are available to validate, ensure, and enforce transactions. Naturally, cryptocurrency, or digital currencies, can also be used in place of traditional currency to appeal to diverse types of customers.

For instance, the New York-based Magnum Real Estate Group recently listed three retail condos on the Upper East Side of Manhattan for Bitcoin. At the same time, blockchain technology provides agents with genuine chances to network and share their knowledge while also earning money.

NFTs, specially generated digital assets, are another emerging strategy being used by brands to sell their goods.

  1. User encounter

Modern customers demand a smooth, enjoyable, and engaging online experience, whether they are shopping online or browsing a website. Expect to see a stronger push toward an engaging and seamless user experience in 2022, with a focus on interactive, experiential, practical, and tailored encounters.

Aylon Steinhart, founder and CEO of Eclipse Foods, stated that they are aware that users enjoy interesting information that speaks to them personally. “We are working toward developing a marketing approach that draws users in depending on page experience. The best user experience, however, is about speed, visual stability, mobile friendliness, and secure browsing, not just producing engaging content that draws consumers in. The visibility and engagement of content marketing strategies will rise with the implementation of these methods.

  1. The metaverse

Today’s futuristic fusion of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence (AI) is known as the metaverse. It results in a new 3D immersive experience where users can mix the actual world with the virtual world.

Examples include NASCAR’s interactive commercials on the online game platform Roblox. Users can design their own avatars so they can virtually “enjoy” things without really purchasing them. Because of this, the marketing sector now has a new term for the practise of using gaming to promote products: “gamevertising.” The music and film industries are dominated by this trend of “gamevertising,” claims technology agency Wunderman Thompson.

On the retail frontier, companies also leverage technology like augmented reality to create hybrid shopping experiences where customers, through virtual avatars, can “try on” items, “sit” on chairs, “live” in particular physical places, and so forth.

  1. A World Without Cookies

Numerous concerns regarding the privacy of data collection have been raised during the last two years. In order to address this issue, Google is a leader in the advertising technology sector with its cookieless future, which is expected to debut in 2023. Google will introduce new technologies and promote the phase-out of test cookies near the end of 2022. While cookies rely on user-provided data like personal emails to function, cookie substitutes will need to have vast amounts of high-quality first-party data to work.

How does this impact companies, marketers, and advertisers? In the near future, as consumer privacy concerns and rules like the GDPR develop, prudent organisations will want to take heed of a situation where cookies are replaced by cookie replacements.

  1. Keywords and SEO

The advantages of SEO and keyword tactics are still present. The Page Experience Algorithm from Google is scheduled to debut in March 2022. The SEO Tool will evaluate a variety of criteria, including HTTPS security, visual stability, interaction, and loading speed.

Google is also focusing on mobile, using its just-launched Mobile-First Indexing (MFI) to rank webpages that are responsive to mobile devices. This requires marketers to concentrate on the UX on mobile devices at least as much as they do on websites. Publishers are being encouraged by Google’s new Multitask Unified Model (MUM) to offer more complicated responses to straightforward questions. MUM honours reliable material.

Relevance of Fundamental Marketing Concepts

These trends are anticipated to have an impact on marketing in 2022 and beyond, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop doing what you’re doing right away and start employing newer, more cutting-edge technology.

Despite what everyone claims, according to Allen Adamson, adjunct professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business and co-founder of Metaforce, “the fundamental concepts of how you promote and establish a brand haven’t altered in the past 10 or 15 years.” “Overall, technology has done nothing more than magnify what has always been true.”

Even if sophisticated new marketing technologies are introduced every year, word-of-mouth advertising is still important, according to Adamson. Consumers might have consulted their friends decades ago to find out where to get the best hamburger in town. Adamson claims that nowadays, individuals “ask all their friends” by conducting a simple internet search and reading testimonials of burger restaurants nearby.

The fundamental principles of marketing have not changed as a result of technological advancements, yet the latter magnifies both successes and failures. When a customer received a subpar burger in the past, the disgruntled customer might have advised their friend not to eat there. A negative Yelp review can now turn away hundreds of potential customers.

Understanding new technological tools can considerably aid your business, but it’s pointless to add new tools to the mix if you don’t grasp how they can help you. As the chairman of Landor Associates for North America, Adamson provided consulting services to organisations like Marriott and HBO. He claimed that many businesses focus too much on the newest and best marketing techniques.

“It’s just a ball, and no one is on defence, so it’s kind of like seeing 8-year-olds play soccer,” he added. “Everyone is pursuing the new, shiny thing. Whatever technology you get, if you don’t know how to use it very well, it won’t give you a competitive advantage in the market.

Some of the trends mentioned in this article may not require you to take any action. The use of more authentic content or the addition of a chatbot to your present marketing mix, on the other hand, may help your company reach a new level of client engagement and financial success.

How to Select the Latest Marketing Technology to Use

The requirements of your company and the preferences of your consumers will determine the technology you choose to use in your operation. If you don’t grasp the technology and can’t use it correctly but are nevertheless adopting a new marketing trend because other companies are, you could be better off not doing so.

According to Ryan Gould, vice president of strategy and marketing services at Elevation Marketing, “although we’re going faster and faster toward a tech-dominant world, small and midsize enterprises need to prioritise the technological trends that they can utilise for higher business growth.” What makes them do that? They should inquire about the following four things:

Who is my target audience?

What and where are the gaps in my business?

Will this technology aid in bridging my company’s gaps?

“Do I have the money to keep using this technology long-term?”

You can avoid overly embracing a marketing trend that isn’t appropriate for your company by using Gould’s questions as a check. Take note of the marketing trends for 2022, but before you do anything, carefully assess where your company is.

Digital Technology

7 digital marketing technologies to help you raise your game

Technology plays an important role in everyone’s life, from how we socialise to how we obtain things. Technology in marketing, in particular, is thriving and evolving into a digital form of art. It may assist you in improving the quality of one’s production times and, as an outcome, generating more contacts, irrespective of what you sell or to whom you sell.

Marketers who respond and adopt new tech are better able to personalise, engage, and communicate with their customers and prospects. The batch and strike days are fading as systems improve at targeting and forecasting consumer and business behaviour.

These are the technologies that will help you with your digital marketing business-


According to the research study, one of the main aims for 40% of marketing firms is to demonstrate the ROI of marketing. Marketers are pressured to demonstrate the value of their efforts to the firm, and marketing is now a numbers game.

Most tools and platforms, from social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to particular marketing solutions like Hootsuite, provide detailed statistics. Google Data Studio uses real-time data from YouTube, Google Ads, and Google Analytics to help you create dynamic, interactive dashboards. It also integrates with third-party data sources such as Twitter, MailChimp, and Salesforce. Customers can use Google Data Studio to create fully customizable, filterable, and easy to share reports.


Will the year 2022 mark the rise of robots? 

We have already witnessed remarkable advancements in AI over the previous few years, as well as a significant increase in the number of firms employing AI-powered automation to support their marketing initiatives.

One of the key technologies powering voice search and smart assistants is AI. Additionally, the use of chatbots is growing and appearing on more websites.

AI and automation are taking some of the labour out of marketing, allowing businesses to focus on techniques that provide a better consumer experience.

Big data, aided by predictive analytics, can also help marketers learn more about their customers, leading to increased customer acquisition. It recently enabled hyper-personalization and scalability marketing messaging.

It should be noted that the human part of marketing is still crucial. Therefore, the objective is to increase marketing efforts rather than to take the place of the people who are actually responsible for them.

  1. SEO –

The goal of search engine optimization (SEO) is to stay visible on search engine results pages. Google’s algorithms are continually evolving, so at times it may seem like a mysterious science. The real challenge is adapting your SEO to these changes and remaining competitive, as keeping up with these changes is difficult enough.

Tools like Moz and Deep Crawl aid in the success of SEO. They can track keyword ranks on PC and mobile devices, allowing customers to conveniently track any current keywords. This in-depth keyword research is complemented by other factors including link building and possibilities, site audits, search visibility score, and page insights. They are tools with features such as backlink tracking, device breakdowns, ad hoc keyword research, and more.


By 2027, it is anticipated that the live video streaming market would be worth 184.3 billion. Individuals enjoy live streaming because they can view actual footage, watch behind-the-scenes films, and interact live with industry professionals.

The technology is helpful for business since it increases consumer awareness and interest in their brands. Live videos are already being invested in by several businesses. Many other companies fund live product demonstrations from social media influencers while some organise live Q&A sessions.

Having said that, global watch time for live programming increased by 250% in 2020.


With so much competition, you must ensure that your emails are optimised to stand out from the crowd. Great email marketing is about more than just open rates; it’s also about click-throughs and conversions. You need to provide real value in your emails in order to engage recipients and get them to open them.

Tools such as MailChimp, SendinBlue, and Omnisend allow you to automate your email marketing so that you can focus on strategy and ensure that your emails provide value to your target audience. MailChimp automates email marketing with simple A/B testing, ready-to-use campaign templates, and a simple email designer, allowing you to focus on strategy and ensuring that your emails add value to the target audience. ‘MailChimp reports’ make it simple to track how effective your emails are at engaging recipients using advanced segmentation for precise targeting, distribution by time zone and comparative data reporting.


You may build your company’s brand via social media, interact with current customers, and reach out to new audiences. It enhances thought leadership, SEO, and allows customers to communicate directly with your business. Despite this, most businesses spend countless hours managing social media without knowing exactly how to increase their ROI.

Social media may be used to strengthen your brand’s identity, reach out to current customers, and find new audiences. Most organisations already know this, but they invest hours in social media management without having a good idea of how to get a return on their investment.

If you want more visibility on your social channels, detailed insights into what works and what doesn’t, or more control over publishing posts through automation and scheduling, these tools can change the game.


Every year, technology appears to improve, and speech recognition is no exception.

It’s no surprise that hundreds of additional voice command devices are sold every day throughout the world. If you haven’t started focused on voice search as a digital marketer yet, you’re missing on a sizable portion of your audience.

Also remember, when people use voice search, they hardly ever search for short terms and use full sentences instead. Mostly, I like how they usually speak.

If people are asking “how to bake a cake with a microwave” and if you are in the food business, you should be optimising your content based on similar responses. Long-tail and question-and-answer-based keywords are your holy grail in 2022.

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