Content Marketing

7 highly important steps you need to take before you come up with a successful Content Marketing Strategy.

Why do Marketers Need to Create a Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing helps you prepare and plan for robust, scalable and cost-effective sources of website traffic, engagements and new leads which ultimately translate into revenue for your business.

In short, If you have the resources to simply create even one single blog post that gets a steady amount of organic traffic, something like a free tool or an embedded link to an e-book will gradually generate leads and continue yielding results even long after you have Published.

Once you have a reliable source of traffic and leads from such content, your confidence of having developed it in the first place, will allow you the flexibility to experiment with other marketing tactics to generate revenue, like co-created content, sponsored stories, social media advertising, and distributed content. Your content will not only help educate your target prospects and generate awareness for your brand it will also help attract leads that have a higher propensity to convert into sales.

7 highly important steps that Marketers should make a note of, to Create a Content Marketing Strategy

1. Define your goal.

What’s your purpose of developing a content marketing plan? Exactly Why do you want to produce content, what will it mean for your business and how will it help increase your revenues ? Clearly defining your ambitions even before you begin planning will ensure that you’ll have an easier time determining what’s best for your strategy.

2. Take cognisance of you Consumer Dynamic.

To develop a plan that ultimately works, you will first need understand who your content’s target audience is most likely to be — also known as your buyer persona.

For those who are starting out or are new to marketing this step is extremely critical. Knowing your target audience, allows you to focus on producing more relevant and valuable content that your audience will want to read and engage with.

If you’ve been in the game for a while and you feel that your target may have changed. Ask yourself these questions before you begin, Do you want to target a new group of people or expand your current target market? Do you want to keep the same target audience?

Re-assessing your audience parameters by conducting market research every year is crucial to growing your audience.


3. Do a content audit.

It is easy to start out with simple blog posts, but before you can get down to creating other forms of content and investing time, effort and monies it would be good to consider exactly which formats of content that you will most likely focus on.

e.g. If you run a blog and have been posting stuff consistently for a year now, creating an e-book or a video that summarises key messages from all your blog posts into one ultimate guide or video would be one way to offer information in a different format.

Experienced marketers should make it a point to review content marketing efforts and the results from it in the last year by doing a content audit. This will help them understand what can be done differently in the coming year and gives them a sense of what new goals they would want to achieve.

4. Pick a content management system.

Invest in a system that helps you create, manage, and track your content, otherwise known as a content management system (CMS). A few important components of content management include content creation, content curation, content publication, and content analytics.

5. Brainstorm content ideas.

Now, it’s time to start coming up with ideas for your next content project.

Here are some tools to get the wheels turning:

Google Trends

Google Ads Keyword tool

HubSpot’s Website Grader

Feedspot / Feeder.co


Blog Post Headline Analyzer



6. Identify the types of content you want to create.

There are a many options out there for content formats you can create. Blogs, Infographics, Videos, Case Studies & Infographics are few most widely consumed content formats.

Think of which type of content will deliver your message to your audiences most effectively and on which platform.

7. Publish and manage your content.

Your content marketing plan should go beyond the types of content you’ll create be sure to also cover how you will eventually organize and schedule your content. With the help of an editorial calendar, you’ll be on the right track for publishing a well-balanced and diverse content library on your website. Then, create a social media content calendar so you can promote and manage your content on other sites.

Many of the ideas you think of will be evergreen — they’re just as relevant months from now as they are today. That being said, you shouldn’t ignore timely topics either. While they may not be the bulk of your editorial calendar, they can help you generate spikes of traffic.

Most people count on incorporating popular holidays such as New Year’s and Diwali in their marketing efforts, but you don’t have to limit yourself to these important marketing dates.

If there are events that might appeal to your audience, it could be worth publishing content on your blog or on social media around this period as well.

Content Strategy Examples

To understand what a content strategy is, it’s probably helpful if we explore some examples of real-life content strategies based off a few various business goals. 

To start, let’s explore an example of a content strategy used for SEO purposes (with the ultimate goal of attracting new prospects to a website). 

Evernote’s blog offers a wealth of knowledge around the topic of productivity. The blog post, How To Stay Disciplined When Times Are Tough, made me laugh out loud — and then incentivized me to grab a pen and write down some of the tips I liked best. 

But why is a company that sells a note-taking app writing about discipline?

Because it’s how we found their website, when we searched “How to stay disciplined” on Google. 

Evernote is a good example of a content strategy used to attract new leads. People interested in reading content related to productivity are likely the same people interested in downloading Evernote’s note-taking product (because what’s better than a to-do list for helping you stay on-task?). 

On the contrary, if Evernote’s marketing team simply created content for the sake of increasing traffic — like publishing “Our 10 Favorite Beyonce Songs” — it wouldn’t be considered a content strategy at all; it would just be content.

A strategy needs to align content with business goals — in Evernote’s case, the strategy aligns content (blog posts on productivity) with the business goal of attracting leads (people interested in note-taking) to their site. 

Content Marketing

7 Important questions every marketer should have answers to, before they can come up with a brands content marketing strategy.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re just starting out with content marketing or you’ve been working with the same approach for a while, it almost always never hurts to re-look at your content strategy plan — to make sure it’s up-to-date, dynamic, and engineered to engage with your prospects and customers.

The first step you’ve got to take to ensure that you are ahead of your competition & while actively engaging your audience, no doubt is to have a robust, smart content marketing plan in place.

If you’re planning for the upcoming year or need some fresh ideas to include in your plan, read on.

What is content strategy?

A strategy that takes your business objectives, and uses content as a primary means to deliver results and outcomes based on those objectives. 

For example, your business objective this year may be to increase awareness and subsequently generate greater revenues. Now to achieve your target you could look at a content strategy that focuses on substantially increasing your brands visibility across digital and social media platforms which in turn will drive traffic to your brand assets and the outcome of which will ideally be an increase in revenues.

You might assume that a content strategy is a ‘nice-to-have’, but not entirely necessary early on. But developing high-quality content to meet business KPI’s can help organisations build trust with new audiences and, ultimately, succeed over a sustained period of time. 

A good content strategy is the foundation of your attract and delight stages in a consumer’s purchase journey. Along with enticing new prospects to your brand, you might also use a content strategy to drive sales and ensure overall customer satisfaction. 

70% marketers actively investing in content marketing.

That’s part of the reason it is critical for you develop a good content strategy to compete in your industry.

Before you begin working on your brand’s content strategy there a few questions that are imperative for you to have answers to, let us help you understand them better.

1. Who is going to be reading your content?

Who is the target audience for your content?  What is the target size of your addressable audiences ? Just like your business may have more than one type of customer, your content strategy should be able to cater to more than one type of reader or viewer.

Using a mix of content types and platforms will help you deliver different content to each set of audiences you have in mind and engage everyone your company’s value chain.

2. What is the problem that you would solving for your audience(s)?

Ideally your product or service solves a problem that exists in the market segment you operate in. In the same way, your content educates your audience about this problem as they begin to identify and consider your solutions to address it.

A good content strategy supports people on both sides of your solution or service: those people who are still in the process of identifying what their main challenges are, and those who are already using your solutions or service to overcome these challenges. Your content reinforces your offering and makes your customers more qualified users of your product.

3. What sets you apart and help you stand out ?

The competition is very likely have a similar offering, which elevates the need for your potential customers to know what makes yours better or unique. This is where content comes in.

In order for audiences to consider you brand and to prove why you’re worth buying from, you need to prove why you’re worth listening to.

4. What content formats will you include ?

What form of content will you create? Images? Videos? Infographics ? Blog posts? Once you have short listed the topics you want talk about, you will need to figure out which formats to park your marketing spends on, to deliver optimum outcomes.

5. What platforms will you publish on?

Just like you create content across multiple formats, you also have different platforms that you can publish them on. Platforms can include owned properties, like your website, blog or social media handles, like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

6. How will you manage creating, curating & publishing content ?

Trying to understand how to go about creating, curating and publish all your content can be a daunting task. It makes it all the more important for you to have a content strategy to know who’s creating what, where it’s being published, and when it’s going live. Today’s content strategies prevent clutter by helping you manage content from a topical standpoint. Planning a content calendar around topics, makes it easier for you to visualize your company’s message and assert yourself as an authority in your market over time.

7. How will you prioritize what content needs to be promoted ?

One part of a content marketing strategy is to arrive at a content calendar, but in today’s scenario with declining organic reach across digital platforms it will need to be made in conjunction with an equally scalable and efficient promotion plan, that ultimately ensures that your content reaches the people who make a difference to your business objectives and are most likely to engage with your brand.

Content Marketing

User Generated Content Still Rocks


UGC has become the mainstay of e-commerce content marketing. Here’s an impressive statistic: 85% of people trust content made by other users. That’s a lot and that is something that you want to take advantage of. How do you do that? By creating the potential for your users to create their own content to share on your site.

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Content Marketing

Content Driven Re-marketing Works


As the competition is getting tougher and buyer journeys are becoming more complicated, generating actual sales from your content is not going to be easy.
Most of your site readers will come, find their answers, and leave to complete their tasks. This is where content-driven re-marketing is going to help.

#BluStream #DigitalMarketing #ThroughTheLine #Integrated Marketing
Content Marketing

Content is Part of the Buyer Journey


Consumers turn to technology to fulfil an immediate need. Google claims that more than 90% of their users use devices for help and inspiration while in the middle of the task. New consumers are “well-advised,” “right here” and “right now,” with Google having introduced the term “micro-moments” to describe consumers’ expectation of an immediate answer in the moments they want to know, go, do, and buy.

#BluStream #DigitalMarketing #ThroughTheLine #Integrated Marketing
Content Marketing

Competition Is Continuing to Grow


The year of COVID-19 driven lockdowns has shown just about any business one simple truth: if you are not online, you do not exist. With more businesses investing more in online marketing, the competition is inevitably growing. These days, we are all forced to invest more time and money into getting our content noticed.

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