Digital Technology

6 L&D trends that may change your workforce

As digital technology becomes more powerful and sophisticated, it also becomes easier and more difficult to use. It enables businesses and professionals to achieve faster than ever before. However, technology can also be challenging because it constantly offers new things to learn. 

Consequently, more and more companies are considering forming or strengthening a Department of Learning and Development (LandD). We no longer live in a world where companies use the same methods and techniques as they did 20 years ago. 

Today’s companies must keep up with new technologies and business developments. If they don’t, they will be overtaken by competitors who are willing to do what they are not: improve and adapt to new circumstances. 

 It is important for LandD or HR managers to ensure that their company is focused on the right areas. In this article, we explore six emerging trends that are becoming defining. 

 1. Learning management systems 

It is the cornerstone of any effective learning initiative, as it includes the software, technologies, and tools that ensure effective training of employees on critical aspects of the job. 

Without a structured system, companies cause many logistical problems. 

For example: How do you make sure your workforce learns what they need if you don’t standardize and train it? 

 When do you expect your workforce to complete this training? 

 What do they study? 

Proper planning, training and implementation are critical. So research the areas of interest to your business, discover what elements can improve the business, and plan the training and systems you need to ensure your workforce is trained. 

An appropriate learning platform helps retain more employees and increases the value of the workforce, even enabling promotion from within. 

 2. Virtual reality and artificial intelligence 

 VR training for police officers 

Employees of the near future will not only have to learn how to use new software; it’s completely different forms of interface and interaction. For example, virtual reality (VR) and its counterpart augmented reality (AR) are making waves in many different industries. 

In particular, VR is already emerging as an important learning and development tool as one of the most useful simulations and training technologies. The ability to create a virtual environment with props and characters makes it ideal for different types of learning experiences, and countries like Singapore are already using it for CSI training. 

Augmented reality is another great potential learning tool, as AR headsets can add additional information and context to learning and create a holographic experience that enhances teaching. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) can also make a big breakthrough, as “intelligent systems” enable faster data processing and accelerate the speed at which data can be collected and used. Although AI does not yet make business decisions, it can quickly process the information that decision-makers need to reach conclusions faster. 

 3. Analysis 

Information is only useful if people have access to the right species and know what to do with it. Analytics is the discipline of diving into massive amounts of data and finding what’s really useful so you can apply it to good practices. 

Analytics is about collecting data, not just sharing it for training. With analytics, you can see where your workforce is learning quickly and where they are struggling, and then you can find solutions. 

For departments that want the most effective and efficient learning platform configured to ensure that training is received and understood with minimal downtime, analytics are essential to fine-tuning the learning platform. 

Good reporting capabilities and additional enhancements such as data visualization can help spot trends and optimize learning for more consistent and reliable results. 

4. Internal Collaboration 

Integration is a key technology in most companies, especially in the technology sector. 

For example, the IT department of most companies can no longer be the one that does not communicate with others. Because technology is now so heavily integrated into so many different aspects of daily operations, IT must work with other departments to better deliver what they need.

Similar internal cooperation is also necessary for education. All departments must communicate what training is needed to facilitate a particular department. 

When every part of the business is optimized, all functions work at their best. For example, IT needs to inform the HR department that a new document management system is being implemented to increase the overall efficiency of the company and that training is coming up. 

Internal collaboration and open communication between different units are necessary to realize effective learning and development projects and systems useful for the company. 

 5. Mobility 

 Meet the Modern Learner 

We live in an age where BYOD, or “Bring Your Own Device”, is more and more common. 

Today’s world is increasingly mobile, and that also means the workforce. Employee training no longer has to take place at a specific time, in a room reserved for that purpose. 

Microlearning can happen on the go. In some cases, it may even be necessary, especially in time-sensitive work where workers must learn quickly on the go to maintain the first-mover advantage. 

However, mobility must be carefully planned. For example, an eLearning program perfect for Android devices won’t do business if most employees use iPhones. 

 6. Tailoring gives better results 

The universal method no longer works when training the workforce. 

Customization or personalization can significantly increase the effectiveness and results of workforce training. The reason is simple: when people learn how they want, they learn faster and retain their education. 

Final Thoughts 

A workforce that can learn new things avoids obsolescence. In today’s fast-paced climate,  companies must provide valuable lifelong learning to retain and attract new employees. 

Employees feel more confident and bring added value to the company, which affects daily operations and future innovations.

Industry Insiders

global market trends in higher education

Higher education is a topic of paramount importance when it comes to the modern world. This whole market is given a lot of attention by the crowd and the authorities since it plays a pivotal role in determining the future of a nation itself. However, it is a market that has been observed to transcend all geographic boundaries and spread its wings to the international arena. Higher education is no longer a local issue but a matter that can be mitigated and directed by several global factors. Many Global factors can affect the future of higher education which will in turn impact the working of the associated institutions as well.

Some of the very few factors that have been witnessed to play a drastic role in this sector include Economic shifts, labour market changes, the medium of learning, and a rise in non-traditional students across the globe. The mobilisation of students internationally has been a very significant factor that has induced several trends in the higher education sector. Several challenges hinder the growth of this market. Some of the very hurdles that have been restraining the rejuvenation of this market are factors like limited budgets and skill gaps. These factors influence future graduates to acquire the skills that they desire in a rather negative way as it’s making the process more and more difficult for them.

What to keep in Mind?

The Deloitte Higher Education leadership team recently released a report that exhorted the various leaders of the Higher education Industry to focus more on a list of factors to prepare them for future battles. They had come to this conclusion upon analysing the various trends and movements in the industry over the past decades. These factors include:

  • Cloud Readiness

Digitalisation and the introduction of virtual possibilities pertinent to the higher education sector throttled the growth of the industry at a whole different level. Hence various platforms came into place as media to transfer and share information and relevant resources. Hence, it’s trivial that the market needs to occupy itself with an efficient Cloud system that enables cross-functional collaboration across various platforms. This calls out to the various Chief Information officers to form strong partnerships and help each other out for their development and success. The authorities and leaders need to focus on helping the team understand what we aspire to achieve and how to go about it. They need to give more priority to building an efficient team of functional leaders that can define the expected delivery of the desired services so that you could direct the rest of the organisation in understanding the goals. They should also prepare themselves for a huge change that spans their technology, business practices and strategies, people and data. This change is quite inevitable if they wish to sustain themselves in the market and succeed as well.

  • Risk Management

The sudden changes will surely make you more dynamic and your business fruitful but it also comes with a lot of risks. If these risks are not strategically analysed and managed then they can easily lead your company to a crisis. Hence institutions must be ready to analyse and address such possible risks not as an individual but by integrating the functionalities of various departments and strategically studying the risks and all of their consequences. It is only obvious that organisations will be able to tackle such sensitive risks through the “enterprise approach” and the risk management systems hence created would be the stronghold of the institution when it comes to identifying and addressing such threats.

  • Identity and Access Management

The current virtual world is filled with several cyber threats. Hence it is pivotal to have a good cyber risk management system and adept Identity and Access Management capabilities. It has multi-fold applications when it comes to the higher education market and it has become more budget-friendly over these years hence assisting us with associated cyber risk management.

  • Mergers and Acquisitions

The current economy of the higher education market is prone to a lot of threats and challenges. Hence companies should join hands and face these risks together. Integrating their domains and forming mergers can help them deal with all such challenges the financial uncertainty could cause.  We need to be ready to find the right partners whose goals and aspirations would align with your company and share the institutional values and missions with them.

The Current Global Market Trends

Studyportals, an online educational and research domain recently released a report analysing the various trends in the higher education market using linear projection modelling. The report was quite elaborate and can help even laymen get a good grasp of the various drives in the higher education market. Let’s go through some of the prominent trends that were pointed out in the study:

1. Disruption caused by AI

Technology and Artificial intelligence have gone through a fantastic period of development in these past few decades. The turnover of this market was also a whopping sum. According to a study conducted by McKinsey Global Institute researchers, 73% of the paid manual work can be automated with current technology. This would also displace a huge number of people from their jobs depriving them of their jobs. Hence the report of Studyportal exhorted on the fact that the way of learning and education need to be improvised and they need to finesse and train their talent/value-based skills more than technical skills as the latter will sooner or later be replaced by the emerging AI industry. Organisations need to focus on preparing the students with other virtues like perseverance and resilience and inculcate an entrepreneurial spirit within them.

2. The Shift towards Emerging market

Engagement in the higher education sector has seen marvellous growth over these past years. However, the UNESCO statistics from 2012 pointed out that this rate of enrolment was much higher in lower-middle-income countries than in high-income countries. It also came to their attention that around 75% of STEM graduates were concentrated around the BRICS region (Brazil, Russia, India, China. South Africa). This can be mainly attributed to the fact that developing nations have been putting their investment into the development of their education industry to produce quality human resources. They have also given more priority to international student movements so that they could enrich their country with diverse and skilled human resources. However, this percentage is only 8% in the US and 4% in Europe hence evidently proving to various companies that they need to focus on growing their market in these regions as well.

3. Skills gap

Another survey by PayScale noted that college graduates were approved to be skilled enough for being a part of the workforce by 50% of the managers. However, the task is to sustain this skill for a long-term goal and be creative with the respective skills and their application. This can only be induced in students through global collaboration programs and that sector hence is of prime importance.

4. Urbanisation

It has been very well remarked by global analysts that urbanisation has been shooting up in the 21st century. More and more active human resources are being displaced to urban areas hence making it pivotal to make such zones creative hubs for higher education and innovating the whole sector itself around the culture and trends of the zone. Universities need to collaborate so that the versatility of the topic comes from collaborations with each institute specialising in a particular area.

5. Mobility of Students and Immigration Restrictions

It was noted that a great number of foreign students enrolled in high-income nations and according to Millennium Development Indicators about three-quarters of the internationally mobile students preferred to choose more developed nations.

6. Increase in Demand but not Supply

It is estimated that by 2030 there will be an increase of around 120 million students enrolled in higher education and a 50% increase in international student enrolment. However, the real question is the current world and higher education sector, are occupied to capacitate such a huge student community.

7. Non-Traditional Students

There will also be a surprising increase in students over 24 years of age in the higher education sector between 2015 and 2030. This will call for a complete restructuring of the education system and betterment and renovation of the curriculum.

8. Unstable Budgets

The budget for higher education has seen a major depletion over these years, especially in developed nations like the US. This has also motivated other countries to do the same. With a dwindling budget of this sort, development seems very difficult for the market and there needs to be more investment so that the market could transform according to the vital requirements of the modern student community.

9. Internationalization

Internationalization has been noticed as a major factor and tactic that has been established in the higher education market for the growth of this sector. It aids in integrating intercultural and international dimensions of pedagogy and learning. It became evident that this process improved the quality of education and also boosted the generation of revenues. It assists in creating more effective collaborations with an improved quality of the information that is shared. It also helps in meeting the demand for cross-cultural exposure for students hence equipping them for their international careers in a more sophisticated way. It also contributed to a global increase in tertiary enrolments. It is only obvious that with the rise of internationalization the higher education market shall also reach its prime.

The Future

Reports by Massification of Higher Education Revisited show that by 2040 around 600 million students enrolled in universities around the world. The data reflected an average growth of 4.2% every year that varied according to the region under focus. With such a high community under growth global institutions need to revamp and prepare for a much more enhanced and elaborate system that could effectively occupy this thrifty student community with their requirements and needs. With the right management of such mass human resources, we could indeed reach lengths of development that were never reached before. With proper planning, creative collaborations and integrations and a much more stable budget and increased investment this market has the capability to prosper.

Industry Insiders

how the privacy paradox affects business growth

If you’ve read our previous articles on integrating AI with marketing, you might know that the modern marketer uses AI in a vast number of operations. AI is nothing but machine learning fed with user interaction data to predict the next right step for converting a user to a customer.

User interactive data is used in a plethora of operations, from predicting what the user would want to buy next to suggesting to the user how to do it. AI is already helping marketers write and edit copies, promotional emails and push notifications among others.

Everything sounds good until the user stops sharing their data. With the upcoming of new operating systems in flagship mobile devices in the year 2022, privacy has become the selling point. The user interactive data will now be marked as “private” and will be inaccessible soon.

Let’s dive into the world of Privacy Paradox and answer the most concerning questions:

  • What is Privacy Paradox?
  • What are the Laws & Regulations?
  • What’s installed for the future?

What is Privacy Paradox?

To understand this you must know what a paradox is, it’s a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement that upon investigation, turns out to be true. Now rolling back to 2001, when Barry Brown conducted a study among the early internet shopping users.

When the users noted that their actions and behavior were being tracked and analyzed to provide better recommendations, they instantly seemed to have concerns about their privacy. Simply put, the users disagreed to trust the companies with their data, while they still wanted a personalized shopping experience.

This ironic situation gave rise to the term ‘Privacy Paradox’ and managed to thrive in the customers’ mindset for more than two decades. Today, the personalized shopping experience has reached sky limits but the Privacy Paradox still makes many users think twice before shopping.

Observing this enthralling concern by users around the globe, Governments of various countries are now formulating and implementing new privacy laws that limit companies’ access to user data. The collection, storage, usage, and disposal of data is being highly regulated.

What are the Laws & Regulations?

For the United States, HIPAA and COPPA are active since the year 2016. They are specifically designed under the foundation for Data Privacy and Regulation. Laws like General Data Protection Regulation are long in effect in the European Union.

2018 marks the year of implementation of the so-called “GDPR lite” or CCPA law for California. Some other countries have regulations made but pending approval, these include CPA (Australia), PIPEDA (Canada) & PDPA (Singapore).

These laws demand some seemingly simple rights, these include:

Right to access and rectification – This simply states that if the user asks, they should be informed of the data being collected and should be able to edit the access to any segment of their dislike.

Right to data protection – The organization collecting the user’s data should be responsible and careful of any personal data that they’re collecting.

Right to data consent – Access to Personal data should be consensual with the user. They can opt to not share or edit the use of the data collected.

Right to be forgotten – The user must have the right to ask for the deletion of any of their data, including archived data.

The responsibility of handling and securing the sheer amount of sensitive data comes with massive fines for misuse or loss. Marketers have a difficult time storing this sensitive data and are always at the risk of being punished for any misuse of the same. All of these regulations and restrictions raise one question, what’s next?

What’s installed for the future?

While data collection regulations might sound evil, they can be in a way good for you as a marketer. Think of it as collecting less irrelevant data, the processing becomes faster and easier and so do the storage and security.

It’s evident that the data that’s more useful to you is easier to collect and the results are easier for the user to digest. Timely reminders of sales, events, and discounts related to the recently shopped categories by the user won’t be a problem for them. 

Personalization is for the customer’s own good and interest, and if the user seems to be satisfied with a particular level of personalization then let that be your optimum level or the upper limit, that’s all the data you need!

Digital Technology

use of AI in marketing

In the rapidly growing market of today’s world, marketers want to reach their target audience as quickly as possible, but as competition increases, it becomes exponentially difficult to concur. Enter the world of artificial intelligence (AI), which can automatically identify and convert your customers.

In simple words, AI marketing is the technique of feeding the user’s data to machine learning technologies, and with advanced math, AI can predict the next move of the customer and enhance the user experience.

AI opens up new possibilities and strategies to convert customers at every stage of the funnel, improves the customer’s experience with your business, and changes the traditional ways of capturing the user’s attention.

75% of customers are expecting companies to understand their needs. AI proves to be the ultimate aid for this situation, as it can collect and progress user data constantly and provide a seamless experience to the user.

Now that you know how AI marketing works, let’s dive deeper into the world of AI marketing, and see how businesses across the globe put AI to work and which companies are elite in integrating AI into their business.

  • 6 incredible uses of AI marketing 
  • 6 limitations of AI marketing
  • 6 aristocrats exploiting AI marketing

6 incredible uses of AI marketing

  1. Automation – Data processing is the most tedious of all back-end procedures. Customization is a customer’s love at first sight, the less work the user has to do to reach their desired page, the better will be their feedback and experience.
  1. Increased ROI – AI reduces the work of going through user data and pinpointing the target customer to provide a personalized experience. This gives the marketer the liberty to focus on more important aspects of the business that need manual care. 

The process of selective data analysis and Its automation saves a lot of manual work and thus increases the ROI per lead. This also greatly reduces the need for surveys and campaigns as the data is automatically processed.

  1. Increased personalization – As discussed earlier, AI makes personalization way more easier and effective. Personalized push notifications are one great example of AI-powered personalization.

It would be clearly impossible to create e-mails, push notifications social media ads, and personalized ads over all platforms if it weren’t for AI. 

  1. Cost savings – When there’s a lesser need for manual intervention and lesser manpower required, brands save a lot of funds. Cost cutting in unnecessary fields lets the business spend on better and more efficient resources.

For example, content writers can be employed for miscellaneous tasks and the task of copywriting and e-mail content creation can be handed over to AI. Aligning the resources in the most optimal pattern is the key here.

  1. Minimizing errors – While humans tend to make errors once in every while, AI simply doesn’t. Even if it does have a back-end error, once it’s solved, it never comes up again. AI will simply make everything look seamless and perfect.

On top of that, it’s a resource you never have to replenish. Once allotted, AI will work for you forever. Updates and upgrades are the only requirements of AI, and even they are expected to be automated soon.

  1. Faster decision making – When all the decisions are set to be made based on a pre-determined set of inputs and data structures, it simply takes no time to make instant decisions for processes like product recommendation.

6 limitations of AI marketing

  1. Data limitations – As we’re nearing the end of 2022, we’re witnessing security updates in mobile devices that limit access to usable data by third-party websites. And as we know, AI is based directly on the amount of data fed to it. This can be a core limitation of AI.
  1. Uncertainty of outcomes – AI now, is a set of complex algorithms that most people don’t understand. Reliable Sentiment Analysis is very difficult for AI to perform and can sometimes be inaccurate. Another possible limitation can be optimized for multiple outcomes for a single input.
  1. Replacing Humans is impossible – There should always be a prior input for possible outcomes, and these inputs are fed by humans. It is very difficult to replace many other complex roles that are played by humans. Though a pro is that instead of replacing, we can always empower humans with the help of AI.
  1. Marketing is convoluted – The distinction among different systems can pose a major problem in unifying the central system. It is near impossible to detect the presence of a single user across different platforms and thus makes data availability a mess.
  1. Unrealistic expectations – AI has indeed come a long way in terms of dealing with real problems, AI can make art, and AI can do copywriting, but these solutions aren’t out of the scope of human possibilities, in fact, these are pretty basic tasks that the much complex AI is learning now. AI outperforming human abilities is a near and dear dream.
  1. Requires supervision – As it is apparent from the above mentions, AI requires a constant input of data and algorithms and it can’t really “think” for itself. AI can do what it’s programmed to do and can’t make split-second decisions as a human does.

6 aristocrats exploiting AI marketing

  1. Unilever – Unilever has various AI data centers across the globe to conduct traditional market research and social market research. Unilever’s AI sneakily recognized the pattern of songs describing ice-cream consumption as breakfast. Taking this idea, they made the plans for cereal-flavored ice cream and successfully launched them under the brand Ben & Jerry’s.
  1. Starbucks – From announcing their personalization plans back in 2016 to having a full-fledged mobile app and personalization systems. They collect user data of purchases and time of purchase to recommend better suggestions to the user for the same timings on other days.
  1. Alibaba – Last year the e-Commerce behemoth launched a brick-and-mortar store in Hong Kong, which was powered by AI. They brought in the concept of digital garment tags that detect when the product is touched and mirrors that display clothing information. They have plans to launch a virtual wardrobe function soon.
  1. eBay – Using the art of brand language optimization, the e-Commerce giant eBay has been leveraging the benefits of e-mail marketing from as early as 2016. They’ve been using the AI customer experience platform Phrasee to enhance their e-mails.
  1. Chase – Chase Bank is in a five-year contract with an AI marketing brand, Persado. This company drove more positive responses from the bank’s users by creating appealing digital ads. 
  1. Sephora – Reports identify Chatbots as the fastest growing brand communication channel with over 92% growth from the year 2019 – 2020. The beauty brand Sephora being an early contender to this list, saw the possibilities of AI in early 2017 and started dispensing beauty advice on Kik.

Is AI for you?

As long as you’re willing to grow as a business, be it small scale, medium, or large, there’s a plethora of opportunities and possibilities where you can integrate AI into your business seamlessly and grow exponentially. If you didn’t know about AI marketing before this blog post, subscribe to our newsletter, if you did, we’ll settle for feedback!

Industry Insiders

how colleges can prepare students for a career in digital marketing

Marketers frequently use and comprehend phrases like conversion rate, cost-per-click, return on investment, and search engine optimization. And that only scratches the surface of the information needed for a marketing position.

The necessity for digital transformation has increased across industries, especially since Covid-19 required businesses to focus their marketing efforts online. This means that businesses require marketing graduates with digital abilities who can increase brand awareness, provide leads, and boost sales.

The issue is that a large number of graduates are leaving universities and colleges without the digital competencies needed by businesses. According to “Work Ready Graduates: Building Employability,” nearly 80% of companies think that current graduates do not arrive completely prepared with the skills they require to be work-ready.

In this blog, we examine 7 strategies that universities and colleges may use to increase the employability of marketing graduates and address the scarcity of digital skills.

What do students of today want?

Graduates in marketing who have spent time and money studying for a degree want to leave school with transferable abilities they can apply in the workplace. They want to be able to apply for a job with the assurance that they will be called in for an interview, or even better, that they will receive the job!

Unfortunately, many people can’t say that. Work can be intimidating, and the marketing industry has quickly developed to now include specialisations like sponsored search, content marketing, social media marketing, and data analytics, among others.

Focusing on employability-enhancing skills and making investments in future-enhancing activities are what students expect from the higher education industry..

According to Cengage’s “Graduate Employability” survey, 66 percent of graduates want more practical experience and think institutions should focus on:

  • Access to online courses and certification programmes, as well as practical learning
  • internships funded by the school
  • mentoring programmes and connections to regional business leaders

Today’s marketers are not only expected to have more sophisticated digital skills than other recent grads but also require them. Marketing students want the following in addition to practical experience:

Knowledge of digital platforms and technology that is practical

A qualification or diploma that increases job opportunities and is respected by companies

Essential soft skills like critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving.

What talents are in demand from graduates by modern employers?

Businesses require marketing graduates who can use the most recent technology, are socially adept, and are work-ready. Marketing Week’s analysis revealed a sharp increase in demand for marketers with expertise in social media, e-commerce, and data analytics.

According to WeForum, the top rising vocations in 2025 will be data and artificial intelligence, content production, and cloud computing. The most in-demand talents will be analytical thinking, creativity, and adaptability.

Marketers will continue to have a high demand for digital expertise. Customers are becoming more discriminating and demanding, and they expect content and message that is relevant and individualised. Increased automation will result from this.

So how can educational institutions prepare graduates in marketing for the workforce? And what are the answers to the problems they are facing?

What difficulties do teachers encounter?

According to Microsoft’s report, “Unlocking the UK’s Potential with Digital Skills,” only 28% of business leaders think the educational system provides appropriate digital training.

According to an ITIF analysis, the situation is even worse in the United States, where one-third of workers lack digital skills, 13% have none, and 18% have only moderate digital skills.

What difficulties do therefore higher education institutions encounter when trying to teach digital marketing?

1) Outdated marketing education programmes. Numerous colleges and institutions do not update their curricula every year or even every two years, resulting in outdated content. Digital marketing is frequently completely excluded.

The following was revealed by the authors of a study of undergraduate programmes published in the Journal of Marketing:

We discover that a disproportionately high number of educational institutions don’t offer any courses that specifically cover marketing analytics or digital marketing. That recognised business schools of all levels, including some larger programmes, may be failing to prepare marketing students for the realities of the corporate world and possibly widening the digital skills gap is extremely troubling.

2) Identifying the right teaching talent – It might be challenging to impart current understanding of digital marketing to students when there is a skills gap among university/training staff in this area.

3) Knowing what businesses want is important because there may be a discrepancy between what an institution of higher learning thinks employers want and what employers actually want of graduates.

4) Time restrictions – Resources in higher education might be scarce, and it takes time to develop or update course materials. Frequently, the tools needed to do this are not readily available.

5) Difficulties with cross-collaboration – It can frequently be difficult to put essential departments and functions on the same page and develop a cohesive plan throughout the institution.

6) The rapid speed of change in digital platforms and technology makes it challenging to stay current and incorporate new information into curricula and instruction.

In order to teach pupils digital skills, colleges and institutions require assistance given the difficulties they face. Let’s examine the process for doing this.

How can educators support students’ professional success?

Colleges and universities are in a special situation. They serve as a conduit between recent graduates and businesses and offer the chance to match skill sets with industry demands.

Here are seven practical strategies educators can use to support students’ professional success:

1) Provide work-integrated learning – This innovative strategy will assist higher education institutions in including workplace learning in their curricula. In order to incorporate brief projects that give students real-world experience with companies into their curriculum, Arizona State University created a pilot programme using the Riipen platform.

2) Offer a third-party credential with current digital content – If developing or updating course material for your marketing curriculum is difficult, team up with a reputable third-party certification organisation that provides universities and colleges with content that has been approved by the industry.

3. Provide personnel with digital skills training. Educate university or college staff in the field of digital marketing so they can better grasp the market and assist students.

4) Obtain accreditation for your digital marketing curriculum. Not only will this strengthen your offering, but it will also help graduates in their job searches.

5) Form partnerships with regional businesses or brands. This will enable you to connect with the regional business community and provide students with practical knowledge and experience through internships or work placements.

6) Be innovative with your teaching techniques. Introduce digital tools like gamification or experiential learning into the classroom.

7) React to changes in the market by adding new resources to the curriculum that can be offered as course supplements.

25% of Americans reported interest in non-degree qualifications, whereas 37% of Americans expressed interest in skill training.

Strada analysis

What role will digital marketing play in schools going forward?

Making sure marketing graduates have marketable skills and are prepared for the workforce is difficult. But the initiative to close the gap is with universities and colleges.

The secret is to provide content for your marketing campaign that is current and relevant. Giving students practical knowledge and marketable skills will be made possible by incorporating real-world experiences through case studies and experiential learning.

While work-integrated learning, mentorships, and connections to the local business community can provide graduates with the practical experience in digital marketing that they presently lack.

Above all, think about including digital marketing classes in your marketing curriculum. This strategy will not only provide new, industry-relevant content, but it will also bring value that could raise enrollments and improve student employability.

Digital Technology

what you need to know about digital accessibility

Digital technology has created amazing opportunities for communicating, sharing information, banking and shopping. The users of your digital technologies have different needs. It is very important to keep this variety in mind, otherwise, millions of people will find it difficult or impossible to use your content. People you want to Reach accessibility is important to at least 60% of your audience, and getting it right means you’ll build something better for everyone, and it’s good for business. Digital accessibility is a regulatory requirement. It’s essential to think about accessibility from the beginning of a project. 

Having an accessible digital presence has positive implications that can pay dividends in several ways…

  • Increasing your market share and gaining eCommerce traffic
  • Controlling operational costs, especially in omnichannel organizations
  • Managing your risk profile to avoid costly complaints or litigation
  • Aligning your digital presence with your company’s core values

For a digital service to be accessible, four things need to happen. The customer needs to be able to perceive the content. It should be available to at least one of their sensors. If someone has a visual impairment, can they see it? If one is blind, does their screen reader work with the content and read it out to them? If one is deaf and there’s some audio, is there a text representation that they can read instead of listening to? The other thing that needs to happen is that somebody needs to be able to operate the website or the interface. Not everybody uses a mouse. Some people may have a mobility impairment. That means that they are forced to use a keyboard or may use speech recognition software.

If a service doesn’t work with the input device that somebody is using, they are not going to be able to go to the page that they want to go

to or submit the information that they need to submit. So people have a range of cognitive abilities. Some people may struggle to read due to dyslexia. So using clear and simple language that is easy to understand, and making sure that interfaces are consistent and predictable, are really important to make sure that somebody can understand the content and how to use your service. Also, it should be built in such a way that it’s compatible with the technologies that people are using. So if somebody is using a screen reader, does it work with that screen reader? If somebody’s using an older browser, does it work with that older browser? If any one of these four things doesn’t work, then somebody won’t be able to have a successful interaction and complete the tasks that they’re trying to do.

How to improve the accessibility of your digital marketing?

  • Don’t leave out ALT Attributes. 

Search Engines “read” your images via the ALT attribute, but ALT text is also read by screen readers for those with visual impairments. Use ALT Text to give more information and tell a larger story.

  • Make your color palette user-friendly.

It is your brand, so you should use colors you like. But keep accessibility in mind when facing this decision. People who suffer from color blindness could miss your marketing messages. The same goes for contrasted links in your website content. Just be conscious of your color contrast.

  • Text Position.

1 in every 10 people is affected by dyslexia. Align the text of your content to the left. This provides an anchor for those with dyslexia to come back to, making it easier to read. 

Tips for commissioning an app, software or website, make accessibility part of the contract.

  • It is advisable to refer to British Standard 8878 and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2 (WCAG 2.0). In your testing, including disabled users.
  • If you’re using an online platform to create your website, use ‘accessible’ themes and plugins, and keep the following in mind:
  • Design pages so that users may customize their experience by them changing colors, and the size of text or buttons. Use responsive layouts that can work on different devices.
  • Always make the users aware of where they are and how they reach somewhere else. Make alternative options to suit various requirements, such as ‘skip to main content link’.
  • Make sure that everything that can be done using a mouse can be acquired using only the keyboard. The Keyboard-only users need to know where they are at all times when they navigate using the TAB key. And here the tabbing should follow a logical order. Know how much better it is to navigate using only the TAB, Enter SPACE, and ARROW keys. Flashing content can cause disturbances. While some people with cognitive impairments find it very difficult to concentrate if there are distractions. 
  • Give the user control.

There should be a pause button and audio and video should not be played automatically.

  • Choose a video player that helps you to add captions and provide a text transcript to make audio and video content accessible. Add descriptions of any important visual information and speech. 
  • If an image is significant, contains text, or is a link, explain this with ‘alternative text’ that screen reader software can read out to those users with visual impairments.
  • Use short, simple sentences to provide better readability and engage a wider audience.
  • Give each page a title and organize the text using headings, paragraphs, and lists. Add ‘markup’ to enable easier navigation and explain features to people who can’t see them. This applies to documents in Word or PDF formats as well as web pages. 
  • It should be made sure that links clearly stand out from the surrounding text, and let users know if the link will open in a new window or download a document. Links need to be concise and descriptive so that if they read on their own, people will still know where they go.
  • Test text and background color combinations and contrast online to ensure text can be easily read by people who are color-blind or have impaired vision. If your web page times out before people can complete forms, this can be a very frustrating experience. 
  • Give visitors the required time to extend their session if they wish.
  • Mention accessibility improvements that you have made and why in an accessibility statement, and provide people with easy ways to contact you if they are having any difficulty. It should be kept in mind that spam protection like CAPTCHA may shut out all potential customers, not just spam robots. 
  • Alternatives such as text-based logic problems, or simple human user confirmations need to be used in these cases.
Search Marketing

5 essential steps to keyword research

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is all about getting organic traffic to your webpage. This differs from SEM (Search Engine Marketing) because we’re not talking about ads here, it’s all organic. 

Be it an online store, a personal blog, or an infographic, you need to have a plan for optimizing your appearance in the search results. We have a complete guide on how to get started with SEO, but for now, let’s discuss the most important factor about it – keywords!

What are keywords?

Simply put, keywords are terms that are closely related to your post’s topic and show up from time to time in your content. These terms should be words that are common and would be used by a common user to find the content that they need. 

You must identify these terms, as repeating them throughout your page would mark your content as “relevant” to Google. Once Google knows that your content is valuable, it’ll automatically start ranking it higher.

Keyword search in 5 quick & easy steps

To get you started, we’ve simplified the process into 5 easy to follow steps. Have a quick look and you’ll be ready to roll.

  1. Define
  2. Brainstorm 
  3. Filter
  4. Inspect
  5. Prioritize


The first step is to find the intent of the user and find relevant keywords and further content to satisfy the user. This step can be further divided into 4 steps.

  • Be clear about what is your page’s central topic. Research each topic one by one instead of searching everything together. One thing to remember is to avoid topics with high search volume and high competition or have a low search volume, making them harder to search for.
  • Be aware of the user’s intent. Understand what the user needs with the topic and if your page has satisfactory information for them.
  • Having a rough idea of the user’s intent and need, the next thing to do is to see if your page has a page with relevant and satisfactory information. This is called the landing page, it should be impactful and informative. 
  • Extract the Seed keyword, this is the broadest keyword surrounding the user intent. You will later use this Seed keyword to find more specific and relevant keywords.


Here’s when you start extracting more keywords out of your Seed keyword and build a group of relevant keywords revolving around the user intent. Focus on quantity over quality, as soon as a word is relevant, add it to your list. We will divide this step further for better understanding.

  • Think from the user’s perspective and understand what the user wants to see on the landing page. Synonyms, adjectives, or even verbs of the relevant words are potential keywords.
  • Using Google’s search console’s performance report, find keywords that already rank on search results and can be inserted on your landing page without a visible transition.
  • Use Google keyword planner to boost your findings. Search for your Seed keyword on Google keyword planner and analyze the results. Review and replace your keywords or even your Seed keyword if the suggestions are better.
  • Use competitor research tools like Ubersuggest, SERanking, and SEMRush. By entering the landing page of your competitor’s landing page with your Seed keyword, you can find more relevant keywords that match the user’s intent.


One of the most essential steps of all, filtering will give you a limited number of useful and effective keywords. Simply put, this step is exactly the opposite of the previous step, here you must opt for quality over quantity. Let’s break down this step further.

  • Aim for the sweet spot and filter out no less than 6 and no more than 20 refined keywords keeping the user’s intent in mind.
  • Go ahead and use tools like Google Keyword planner or paid tools like Ahrefs and SEMRush to aid your filtering process.
  • Cut out keywords that are less relevant and have low search volume. Even keywords that have good search volume but would be suitable for some other page of yours can be cut off.


This transition is just an additional step to make sure you don’t carry any unnecessary content with you.

  • Revisit the keywords one by one and check their monthly search volumes one last time.
  • Use the keywords with the higher ranking the most, and the ones with the lowest rankings and search volumes the least.
  • Keywords with high search volume and have an overall broad meaning should be termed as difficult keywords, use more difficult keywords according to their ranking and not based on their search volumes.


Here’s when you put everything together on a final list and start implementing the keywords across your page. Here’s how you can classify them and decide which keywords should be used the most.

  • Pick just one primary keyword, this keyword should be selected wisely as it will be the reason for most of the traffic you get through keyword SEO.
  • Pick two secondary keywords and distribute them across the landing page. They must have a good balance between search volumes, difficulty, and relevancy.
  • Lastly pick your tertiary keywords, these are the least important to you but still help you rank. A maximum of 20 keywords are selected as tertiary, though these keywords have low search volumes, they are still relevant to the user’s intent.


Add this finalized list of keywords to keyword ranking software like Ahrefs, SEMRush, Wincher, or Moz.

Use your keywords in crucial keyword elements like titles, headings, and body. Conduct this research every few months and keep your page updated with the trend.

And if you’ve made it to the end of this blogpost, take a second to subscribe to our newsletter to never miss posts like this.


on-page optimization tips

Making sure the information is pertinent and offers a positive user experience is known as on-page optimization. In the past, many companies treated it as simple keyword stuffing, putting as many instances of their terms as they could into the material. The user experience was bad as a result. Today, effective keyword targeting is a part of on-page SEO, where keywords are included in significant parts while still delivering a positive user experience. This indicates that your information is both well-written and meets the user’s needs.

A Content Management System (CMS) is used to make changes, so even a non-technical person should be able to update it. The time commitment is split between initial work and ongoing responsibilities. It should be simple to target keywords in important elements if you use a contemporary CMS like WordPress. This entails creating headings, body material that contains images, meta description tags, and title tags.

Free SEO tools like SEOptimer, SEO SiteCheckup, and MozBar can be used to quickly determine whether a web page has been optimized for search engines by scanning its HTML and identifying key on-page components.

Pre-click and post-click on-page optimization fall under two categories.

Pre-click on-page optimization refers to the content the user can see before selecting a result from the SERP. It contains the meta description, URL, and title tag. Pre-click optimization seeks to influence the user’s decision to click on your listing. Because of this, it’s critical to improve your SERP listing in order to take advantage of Rankbrain for organic performance.

When a visitor clicks on your listing and lands on your website, post-click on-page SEO is what the user sees. The primary copy, the primary heading, and subheadings, hyperlinks, and graphics are all included.

Tag title

The single most crucial on-page component to get correctly is title tags, which come second only to the main body material. Search engines pay special attention to the words that are provided because they are the first portion of the listing that a user sees after conducting a search. It also affects how highly your web page will rank. By selecting “see page source” from the context menu when you right-click on a website in Chrome, you can see the title tag in the source code.

They are the single most crucial spot to insert keywords and a hefty weight SEO signal. They are the single most crucial spot to insert keywords and a hefty weight SEO signal.

Higher Rankings – If web pages are well done, they are ranked more highly.

First view: The first thing a searcher sees when they click on them is a blue, clickable link.

Priority keywords must be included in your page title tag as part of your SEO strategy: When optimizing title tags, it’s critical to use the correct combination of keywords. The optimization of title tags is one of the main justifications for prioritizing keyword research.

If your title tag is just a big list of keywords, you risk being flagged as a spammer; but, if it contains your core keywords and is written in engaging, natural English, it ought to work.

Here are a few tips:

  • Crucial words, both primary and secondary
  • Put the most important words at the start.
  • Use the ‘Primary Keyword – Secondary Keyword – Brand Name’ format as it is the most effective.
  • Don’t overuse keywords
  • Use the Space Available: Title tags have a finite amount of space, which varies between mobile and desktop computers. Additionally, since this length is subject to periodic fluctuation, it is crucial to determine the appropriate length before making any adjustments. Optimized title tags can be created using tools like the Portent SERP Preview Tool.
  • Be Detailed and Entertaining: Using everyday language, describe the website and make the searcher want to click through. Once more, CTR is crucial for Rankbrain.

Using sentence separators and incorporating your brand in the title text are two other strategies for optimizing title tags. Google occasionally creates its own title tag for the SERPs. Take a look at this example title tag for the fictitious Snow Way Bro website.

The Ultimate Manual for On-Page Optimization

As you can see, the brand has been added after a description of the website’s content in the title tag. The description is interesting and emphasizes the top keywords. As you can see, the P1 keyword for this page is “snowboard sizing,” and it appears at the start of the title tag.

If you look at the P2 keywords, you’ll notice that “snowboard sizing guide,” which is quite similar to “snowboard size” and “snowboard size guide,” has been included. Also included are the P3 keywords or closely related versions of those phrases.


Only the SERPs and the source code display meta description tags. When you are looking at a page’s main content, you cannot see them. The brief descriptive text that appears beneath the URL in a SERP is known as a meta description element.

Although crucial for on-page optimization, meta description elements do not directly affect search engine rankings. Although it won’t have a direct impact like title tags, using keywords in your meta description will still affect whether or not someone would click on it.

A medium weight on-page SEO signal that encourages the searcher to click on your listing is the meta description tag. A search word will be bolded in the meta description tag, enticing the user to click through.

There are techniques to optimise your meta description, but occasionally Google will create its own meta description tag for a web page if it has been left blank or is thought to be insufficiently relevant.

  • Keep it brief and to the point. Make sure there are no more than two brief sentences.
  • Desktop character limit: 156 (this may vary)
  • Mobile character limit: 115
  • To check length, use the SERP Preview tool.
  • Don’t use careless keywords. Don’t repeat all of the keywords from your title tag in your meta description to avoid keyword stuffing. You’ve probably already used quite a few of them there. Since keywords don’t affect ranks, it’s preferable to only include your P1 keyword since it will probably be bolded when searched for.
  • Be evocative and captivating. Make sure your meta description is both descriptive and intriguing. List any distinguishing features of your page here to promote click-throughs.


URL, another name for a web address, stands for “Uniform Resource Locator”. Between the title and meta description elements are URLs. A page will acquire trust and authority over time, and this authority is assigned to its URL. Without properly redirecting, changing a URL might damage confidence. It is therefore important to avoid changing URLs wherever feasible and to aim to get them correct from the start.

Why do URLs matter? On-page SEO indications with little weight are URLs. They are used by search engines to index and retrieve pages and draw clicks from search results.

URLs are frequently created using the page’s primary heading. This is a nice default because it adds relevancy. The drawback is that they frequently grow lengthy and repetitious and must be reduced. In order to create a URL for your website:

  • Your P1 keyword or a closely related version
  • Keep it brief and to the point (around 70 characters before truncation)
  • Place the URL at the very top
  • Adhere to traditions by utilizing dashes and lowercase letters, for example.


The essential components for post-click on-page SEO are headings, the main body of material, and pictures.

Headings aid in describing the content of a web page. On a web page, they are utilized in a manner akin to how they are utilized in Microsoft Word. An H1 tag should be used for the primary heading, followed by H2 tags for secondary headings and H3 tags for third- and fourth-level headings, up to H6 tags.

It is advised to use H2 tags for secondary headings and H3 tags for tertiary headings because it was once thought to be bad practice to have more than one H1 tag.

Since HTML5, it is now possible to be search engine friendly while still using H1 tags for secondary and tertiary headings. The conventional method of employing hierarchal header tags, which is still valid and widely accepted as best practice, is advised since it is not always simple to execute appropriately.

The headings on a web page are crucial. Before determining whether or not to read an entire page, users skim its headlines. They offer relevance to the page and are a medium weight on-page SEO signal. The hierarchy of material on a web page can be described using one of the six header tags, H1 through H6.

H1 tags should be used for main headings.

Subheadings that are secondary should be in H2 tags.

While not as frequently used in body material, H3 to H6 tags still function in a hierarchical sub-heading manner.

It’s crucial to make sure that headlines on a website serve the visitor and aren’t only written for search engine optimization. However, it’s also a good idea to include your P1, P2, and P3 keywords in your headers. The key is to do it naturally rather than by jamming them in.


The chosen keywords ought to be appropriate for the page type. According to the type of page, adding keywords may have varied effects:

Transactional pages frequently use the primary keyword or a close version and are more keyword-focused.

Informational sites, like blog entries, frequently incorporate the primary keyword or a close variant and tend to be more user-focused. Accurate keyword targeting is also important. Find possibilities where you can use your target keywords or terms with a comparable meaning as part of a heading.

Length: There are no hard and fast rules about how long your primary content should be, but it should satisfy the user’s expectations and provide the information they were looking for. Additionally, it ought to be long enough for search engines to comprehend what the website is about. Informational searches can be over a thousand words, while eCommerce questions might be as short as 100 words.

Avoid using keywords in the main material too frequently, but if you can integrate synonyms or close versions of them while still keeping the language genuine and personable, do so.

Although there isn’t a specific formula for keyword density, as Matt Cutts noted in his video, when you use keywords excessively, search engines may perceive it as ‘spam’.

Mention: As a general guideline for 500 words.

Two or three times for the primary keywords

One or two instances of secondary keywords

Zero or one instance of tertiary keywords


Links are beneficial to the page you are linking to in SEO. Internal links between pages have a significant impact in search engine results.

Relevance: Links to pages with clear and evocative anchor text will convey more relevancy to the receiving page. Therefore, make sure you link frequently to your most significant pages.

Reputation: Internal connections are crucial for building reputation, therefore the more internal links your web page has, the more significant it is seen as, and the better chance it has of ranking.


Because it provides relevance to your website and is a simple on-page SEO signal, image optimization is crucial. Images should have alt text since screen readers frequently read it aloud to visually challenged individuals. Search engines read the alt text for photos, giving you a chance to add more keywords to your website.

You may improve your photos in three easy steps by:

  • In your website CMS, include a description in the image Alt text.
  • Try to accurately describe the picture, which may need using keywords.
  • Make them brief, usually between two and five syllables
  • Give images in your website CMS’s media library suitable filenames.
  • Make them brief, usually between two and five syllables
  • Alt text and filenames don’t necessarily have to match.
  • Adapt photographs for the web
  • Use.gif,.jpeg,.png, and.svg file types.
  • The balance between quality and file size

SVGs are growing increasingly popular, and because they are scalable vectors, they have the advantages of good image quality and small file sizes, while being more frequently employed for computer-generated graphics than for photographs.

First and first, the filenames and Alt text should be precise and illustrative; keywords or words with a similar meaning should come after. This particular illustration is from a web page regarding snowboard sizing. The descriptive alt text for the image is “snowboard sizing.” Snowboard-measurement.jpg is a slightly different filename.


rank your videos with YouTube SEO

Whether you’re making daily vlogs or informative videos, there’s a vast audience for every niche, searching for the content you’re producing.

Not always is your video going to be at the top of search results, and many times, it doesn’t have to. Though the SEO standardization of YouTube is pretty similar to Google, they work quite differently in terms of search results and CTRs.

Here’s a simple guide to streamline your journey to the top of the YouTube charts and rake in an astonishing number of views for the quality content you’re putting out.

What is SEO and how does it work?

Well, if you’ve been through our other blogs on SEO, you know that Search Engine Optimization is a set of techniques that help your content rank higher on search engine results, which implies having a higher number of people go through your content.

For this particular post, we’re referring to SEO for video content available on the video streaming platform, YouTube. 

Among the vast list of video streaming platforms that have recently emerged, YouTube is undoubtedly the oldest and the most widely used across the globe. With over 2 billion active users, it captures more than 74% of the total American population.

Strategies to SEO

If you’re not on the first page of search results for Google, you’ve almost traffic coming your way, but it’s not the same for YouTube, here are 7 genius strategies to get your videos on top of the search results.

  • Embed your videos
  • Rank in Suggested videos
  • Boost your CTR
  • Increase Engagement Signals 
  • Description 
  • Watch time
  • Use tags wisely
  • Bonus tips at the end

Embed your videos

Top-ranking videos are observed to have more than 78% more embeds than the average content in the same niche. Moreover, embedding doesn’t only give you better rankings but a wider plot audience.

A simple way to embed your videos is to create a blog post with the same content and link your video to the blog post. Even linking your videos on the homepage of your website can bring in more viewership to your videos.

Use your videos as a proof of concept or a step-wise explanation if you produce strategic content. On the other hand, you can list your key moments or a summary of your video if you’re a vlogger.

Rank in Suggested videos

Suggested videos are quick access to the audience that’s wanting to watch more content in your niche. YouTube recommends similar videos to their users after they watch a video related to your niche.

Consider a user watching a video by another creator from the same niche as yours, if YouTube finds your content more useful, there’s a higher chance that YouTube will recommend the user to watch your videos next.

Using the keywords that a popular video uses, your videos have a higher tendency to get recommended to the user. For many YouTube channels, suggestions are the primary source of their viewership.

Boost your CTR

CTR or Click Through Rate is the tendency of your video to be clicked when recommended to a user. Apart from the infographic use of thumbnails, there’s another way of making the user click on your video.

Surveys show that videos with titles containing text in brackets have a higher tendency to be clicked (half hidden). They give the user a sneak peek into the seemingly special content that the creator has to share.

Studies show that you can get up to 33% more clicks just by adding these brackets. Giving the user an idea of what’s in your video, by using these brackets and optimizing your thumbnails, will take your video up in the search results.

Increase Engagement Signals

Recent surveys show that engagement signals are correlated with ranking on YouTube. Engagement signals are reminders of engaging the viewer in tasks after watching the video.

For example “like”, “share”, “subscribe”, and “comment” is common engagement signals. You can use these strategies to increase engagement on your overall channel and thus increase your viewership.

Insisting the viewer comment on their opinions and decisions in the comment section is a good approach. You can ask the viewer to share your content with their friends and family who might be interested in the same content.


The video description section is one of the most overlooked aspects by the creators. Surprisingly, it’s one of the midst crucial factors for letting YouTube know the contents of your video.

Shortly describing the script of your video is a good way to let YouTube understand the content you upload. Adding the main keyword a few times in your description will describe your similarity with the user intent.

Moreover, your description can act as a transcript of your video while highlighting the important parts briefly and giving a viewer a brief idea of what they’re about to watch.

Watch time

Increasing the watch time on your videos is a great way to rank your content as YouTube sees your videos as more useful and informative. One way to increase your watch time is by increasing the retention rate of your videos.

Planning your videos well before production, having a proper script ready and outlining key points can increase user retention. Having a proper idea of the things to speak and present helps your videos come out well structured.

Adding constant changes to your videos increases retention. Proper lighting, pleasant and matching music, and changing camera angles are some key concepts to keep in mind.

With new emerging features, you can divide your video into short sections with time stamps to let the user jump to any desired part of the video.

Use tags wisely

Tags are one of the most known and widely used SEO strategies. That said, it’s also one of the most misused strategies, creators slap on tags that are even slightly related to their content and then repeat almost all similar tags.

Create your first three tags around the Seed keyword in your title, the first tag should be the highest-ranking synonym of the Seed keyword. Using synonyms of your target keywords, create more tags. 

As a final step, use category tags. For example, if your video is about making Burger, it falls broadly into the category of cooking or fast food. Using tags strategically and avoiding overuse can quickly take your videos up in recommendations.

Bonus tips

Promote your videos – Promoting your videos to social media or updating your email list can create instant traffic to your content and help you reach the top of the rank list quickly. Promote your content in every way possible.

Find hidden keywords – Search the traffic report for your target keywords and go through the keywords with the highest rankings. Once in a while, you will find keywords that you haven’t used yet and they still rank.

Put these strategies into use according to the convenience of your niche and watch your rankings go up the charts. If you found this page informative and helpful, consider subscribing to our newsletter.


basics of SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a crucial digital marketing tool, which you have undoubtedly heard a hundred times. But do you actually get how SEO works? You might not fully understand this intricate and multidimensional procedure even if you have a rudimentary concept of what it comprises.

Understanding the several components that make up SEO and how each one functions is essential to comprehending why SEO is so significant. In other words, SEO is important because it increases the visibility of your website, which increases traffic and the likelihood that potential buyers will convert. Look into the SEO techniques you can utilize for the best positioning.

Furthermore, it serves as a useful tool for positioning, cultivating relationships with prospects, and raising brand recognition. So, here is all the information you need to know to successfully transform your business into the best one there is!

Essential SEO Marketing Keywords Components

Although the days when keywords were the only SEO tactic that mattered are long gone, that doesn’t mean they aren’t still important. The difference is that in order for keywords to be effective nowadays, they must be studied, carefully selected, and used sparingly within your content.

But precisely what are keywords? Use keywords to connect with customers who are searching for your products and services. Keywords are words and phrases that customers use to find information online.

When doing the essential phases of keyword research, it’s crucial to look for keywords with high search rates and low competition. Short-tail keywords, like “dog,” long-tail keywords, such as “terrier pups for sale,” and combinations of both should be used. You should have secondary and tertiary keywords in addition to your primary or seed keywords because they will still be useful to your firm. Last but not least, incorporate keywords into all of your titles, URLs, and other on-page SEO components 

  1. Content 

As the means by which you communicate with and engage audiences, content is an essential component of SEO. It’s crucial to have a clear perspective and create material that works.

A series of blogs about gardening, selecting the best species of plants, growing advice, and other topics might be published, for example, if you ran a nursery and wanted to boost your visibility. Your blog would appear when someone searched for gardening knowledge, and by offering useful content, you might establish a relationship with the prospect. The idea is that when the prospect was ready to purchase something, like a plant, you would be the first nursery that sprang to mind.

Today’s material must be instructive while also being entertaining, timely, and shareable. Content can take many different forms, including:

  • Material on a website
  • Videos
  • Blogs (you can easily create your own blog to practice with!)
  • Infographics
  • Podcasts
  • Listicles
  • How-to manuals
  • E-books and whitepapers
  • posts on social media
  • Local Anzeigen
  • On-Site SEO Audit Handbook and Toolkit is a featured resource.
  1. SEO off-page

Off-page SEO refers to external optimization techniques used outside of your website.

Building excellent backlinks to your site from other websites informs search engines that your site is important and high-quality, which helps to establish authority. Backlink building is the primary approach used for off-page SEO.

Backlink building strategies come in a variety of forms, but some of the more effective techniques right now include guest blogging, producing a lot of infographics that will be widely shared, and utilising influencer marketing in your content.

  1. Local SEO

As more and more people use mobile devices for search, local SEO is becoming more and more crucial. Nearly half of all searches now are made on a mobile device, and 60% of those searches have local intent.

So, if you run a restaurant, local SEO would make sure that customers in your neighborhood would find your website when searching for the top eateries in town.

In addition to employing local keywords, other local SEO recommended practices include securing directory listings, building location-specific pages for your website, and setting up business pages (also known as doorway pages) on Google Maps and Google My Business local directories.

  1. Internet Advertising

Paid marketing initiatives are referred to as search engine marketing (SEM), and they include things like display ads, native ads, Google AdWords, social media ads, pay-per-click (PPC), Google shopping ads, and more.

SEM can help you reach new, highly targeted audiences, even though it isn’t usually a major part of a full SEO plan. Additionally, you can coordinate your SEO and SEM efforts.

SEM advertising activities examples include:

  • Targeted and paid campaigns
  • Copy that uses keywords and is tailored to your company or product
  • Click-through rates (CTR) and cost per click are examples of performance indicators (CPC)

Knowing the value of SEO for Contemporary Businesses

Rankings and Publicity

Increasing visibility, or making it simpler for prospects to find you when they search for anything you have to offer, is one of the most crucial SEO duties. Your rating has a direct impact on your visibility.

It’s important to raise your organic page ranking since the higher you appear on a search engine result page (SERP), the more probable it is that potential customers will see you and click through to your website. Your ranking and visibility will improve the more effective your SEO efforts, which is especially crucial given that a quarter of web users never scroll past the first SERP.

Site Visits

One of the key objectives of SEO is to increase site traffic, and visibility and rankings both enhance traffic. Think about this for a moment: the top slot on a Google search results page receives over 32% of clicks, and moving up just one spot can raise CTR by an astounding 30.8%.

For many marketers, the “Featured Snippet,” sometimes known as position #0 since it shows above the top-ranked URL, is the holy grail. This is typically information that has been extracted from a blog’s landing page that responds to a common query and can significantly increase your organic click-through rate.

Therefore, if you want more people to discover your website through a search engine, you should employ SEO strategies that will place you among the top five spots, ideally at the top.

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